I need to get this off my chest

this isn’t worth it, it’s boring at this point.

same template, different situation.


Hahahahaha how am I badmouthing him lol?

What principles are those


Thank you for your perspective :pray:

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I wonder why my other threads that were about something else were deleted. Who flagged them 🕵️‍♂️

Because you’re a gibberish machine who doesn’t construct a cohesive argument

That’s probably why


Hey man in all honestly if this is the case, please take a step away from everything energy intense the other day you claimed to have caused covid…

some side effects of such drugs:
Disorders that affect decision-making
A Negative Feedback Loop
Shame and Guilt

perhaps you truly believe you are doing good by trying to have people question creators but slow down a little.

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I listened to luck audios and wished for things soo long ago, not now. Recently in this period of 1.7 years I listened like 2 times a month and a little ago, and then again for like 5 times one month later. And only because the medication fucked up my memory and I remembered that I made a promise to myself to never listen again.

I understand ur cautiousness but isn’t that something someone who is considering joining the community be saying instead of someone who benefited from it (a lot and quickly from what you say) ? You used his work, it helped you a lot and at a relatively quick time period, with no harm done to you, and you come back and say you regret using it and want others to not use it???

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1 more posts and reason will be found, it will all make sense

Let’s all be sane and rational, let’s try that
This time it will work


Well it didn’t actually come quickly. It came after pretty much after exactly two years. Sorry my memory is bad. Either way I still got results.

I think it is good to have this thread as not to make this into religious blind faith and add a bit of skepticism.

keep in mind I say this as a not energy sensitive person and I cant tell if fields 100% work. (i guess some people can tell and maybe to them is as real as walking reality idk)


I’m in a psychiatric medicine withdrawal phase. So forgive my jumbled memory

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Just had the hardest laughing fit thanks :pray:t5:

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Thanks for letting us know man, we’ll think about it

I’m not saying I’m wrong, I’m saying my memory is jumbled because I made a mistake determining wether it took a long time or a short time for my wish to be granted

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I got you :ok_hand:

You made sense, you spoke in plain English

Some people are just surprised by your post, it will pass

@yazan is the forum lagging for you too ?

then dont


If you find this too much and in such a constant test of your reality,
Then you dont really have to stay,
I mean, being real.
always remember
Nobody makes you stay here or do anything
each person makes their own personal choice
If that is not yours, then so be it.


You all might think I’m insane but really if you think about it, you will realize the amount of damage that might be being subtly caused because of captain Nemo. A great manipulator always climbs his way up the ranks by first serving and earning the trust of the people. Simple wisdom. If there is proof of what his intentions are that are embedded in the audios then I will use or not use the audios. But I simply do not want to trust. Hope that can be understood