I want to heal my body but at the same time lose belly fat

I am debating on what to do here. Like I want to use fat to stem cells audio to heal myself.

I also want to lose belly fat and for that I want to use the fat genetic burning advantage audio and the core strengthening audio. Each video twice. Fat to stem cells audio 5 times or for hours while sleeping?

Now call me crazy but wouldn’t the fat to stem cells help with erectile dysfunction? After all, masturbation does damage the penis if done too hard. (Yes I have been staying away from porn and masturbation, been almost 2 months now)

Anyone have any better advice for me when it comes to this?


So you want to heal from erectile dysfunction?

If that’s the case then I don’t see any problem in using these audios to reduce belly fat.

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It is the “visceral” fat that can cause erection problems. Converted into stem cells there will be no problem.

I read some YouTube video reviews of this version of fat stem cells. It works great and fast for weight loss from what I have read.

there are 2 other version. One that targets scar tissue and the other generalize stem cell products.

I advise you to watch some YT comments to be able to get an idea of the effectiveness of the 3 versions .

Two months of abstinence, congratulations :+1: !!:slightly_smiling_face:


I thank you for this. One thing I did not mention properly. I am basically skinny fat. I am at around 5’6 and weigh around 140 lbs. I am male 26 years old as well. Really the only place I have fat is my belly. Everywhere else in my body?

What is this thing called fat? :rofl:

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For the loss localize only at the levels of the belly I will advise you this:

  • Abdominal Wall Restoration
  • Stomach_Shrinking

Visceral fat is very harmful to health.



Not even the fat genetic burning advantage audio is good for this?

Understand this to. Even when I was scrawny at 115 lbs, I never truly had a flat stomach. Come to think of it, never in my life have I truly had a flat stomach…

The body responds to the demands you put on it. Time to do some crunches, push ups, etc… assuming you don’t have any medical conditions. Most people who have the body you desire have to put some work in. :muscle:t3:


It’s not localize, it targets the whole body for fat loss.

If you are regularly in a sitting position I recommend that you do some abdominal exercises and posture straightening exercise as directed by SoSeckSee.


Yes exactly.

The way to change “skinny fat” is not by losing the fat but by putting on muscle 🤷
Regardless, fat to stem cells is good, i say stay with 3 listen per day max.
You can also listen to the other audios listed.

There is also the new carboxitherapy field, erectile disfunction is listed as an area of use, as well as body sculpting.


Cardio, healthy food, and that field.

Also why does everything include masturbation or porn


Some people are obsessed ie been fed bad info online and believed it and refuse to let it go.

We have Ojas now… discussions about the “evils” of masturbation/no fap/etc should have ended when that came out.

Addictions to “anything” are handled by a multitude of Dream’s fields.


It’s become a blight to my eyes at this point


The Unfappable Album. Coming soon


Sapien Med’s erectile dysfunction treatment does help with erectile dysfunction apart from that I highly recommend to eat 2-3 raw garlic cloves crushed in honey on empty stomach early in the morning it reduces cholesterol & increases blood flow in genital organs at great extent you will notice the difference in 15 days only also suggest to listen Ojas field


I think the fat to stem cells, more so the new one , will preferentially convert visceral and organ fat to stem cells .
I’ve been listening to it for 1 month and despite an initial drop in weight I didnt loose much body weight.
But when I look in the mirror I look skinnier especially around the midsection, so I’m pretty sure there’s less visceral fat .


Plasma protocol fields should help you with that. Obviously if u have the money to purchase.