Ice pick and box scars

Anyone know a field that can help with ice pick scars or box scars only for the face?

I also have them but none of the fields have worked. You can try " your new improved skin ". description sounds like it can help with atrophic scarring.


Doesn’t work I have it.

Keep with the skin fields and add exfoliating scrub twice a week and castor oil every night. Don’t put it on close to bedtime if you sleep on your face, it’s sticky.

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I dont know if you have a specific playlist for this? I can imagine you do. But in case you dont or its different i think you could try like this

Ego dissolution x 1
Slr x 1
Platelet Plasma Rich x 3
Skin Regeneration loop it (even if you have the Your New Improved Skin - remember complex fields take a while to fix the hardest issues) the SR field is very very strong and works great, specially to rebuild the epidermal growth factor, its description:

Skin Scars x 3
Your New Improved Skin x 3

And see how it goes.

If you have the Amniotic one throw it in there too
Also consider the Bromelian and Papain to break down the hard parts

And be consistent. Its not an easy change you are looking for but im sure it could improve over time


For how long you’ve been using?

With atrophic scarring you need to first reach under the skin with a kind of needle to sort of like undo the wrongly attached collagen and then repair work. So idk how much of a help surface level exfoliating and castor will help. Idk the exact lingo but a dermatologist briefly explained to me.


Might be better than nothing, but sounds like your plan will work so go for it

a bit over 2 weeks, I read a suggestion to do 1-3 hours and i added a booster on top. I can defintely see my scar on my hand fading but no effect on face yet.

that’s what i am thinking soo hmm maybe rub like boron and baking soda together with some sugar to put some damage to skin and wait for it to repair is my way right now. Derma rolling waas my second option or aqua pen. However, derma rolling was the reason I got more scars though.

Two weeks are nothing man. For some reason atrophic scars are very stubborn. Continue listening to it for a but longer time & maybe reduce listening time, add detachment audio

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I dont think that’ll work as you need to work under the skim. I’ve used derma roller before, saw a bit of improvement but it also induces hair growth above my beard line :roll_eyes:. You also gotta be careful cuz if you use a bigger size derma, you could be making scar tissue.

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That’s true. I’ll try for a month and if I don’t see a difference I’ll definitely look for an alternative.

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yeah, im gonna go for derma treatment in near future, hopefully, that’ll work. I also wanted to say that baking soda is abrasiv, so rubbing it on skin, may cause damage to the skin barrier which can cause hosts of other problems.

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True. But I have a friend who told me he exfoliated with baking soda and sugar for 1 year and his acne scars disappeared.

if that works, i’ll give it a try too lemme know!

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