If I have The Plasma Flaunt, should I buy Plasma skin also

You’re welcome :) :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

its on my list :relaxed: your skin is more like glass now?

Not so fast :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just been 3 days! looks slightly better immediately though

I start my yoga classes at 5am and they go on late so skin takes a beating. When I did this, I looked fresh at night also.

Hope you save up soon :gift_heart:

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WellBeing, do you when we will be going on a sale. I bought plasma skin like a greedy monkey :laughing: and really want to buy 2 more - cone of power and self refresh.

Also have you used them and do you recommend? Thank you so much :revolving_hearts:

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Nope, I have no knowledge of that. I have no access to insider knowledge, sorry.

This waiting time gives you more time to save your pennies, though! :wink:

It does :blush: Thanks Wellbeing, stay well always :hugs:

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Think of plasma flaunt as general healing to the skin and plasma glass as giving full attention to nourish your skin. :)


Thanks for your infinite wisdom, dear InfiniteWisdom :star_struck:

Appreciate it tons!

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Hi dear friend can you share the link please of lexi testimonial

Can you put the link plz :call_me_hand:t2:

How long can it takes to see results i been listening plasma flaunt since I bought it last month… can i experience hair regrowth? Better joints? Muscle building? Better organ function?

I’m not sure what you’re asking, but if I were you I would type what I’m looking for in the search bar- the plasma flaunt thread should help I think


I want to see the testimony of lexi my friend…

Who is Lexi


I see

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Result speed all depends on the person.
Hair regrowth, better joints, muscle building, and better organ function are all possible benefits of the plasma flaunt depending on your health.
Like Jen said, looking on the plasma flaunt thread will probably clarify a lot for you, so I suggest you do that :+1:

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