If you had to pick one audio to rule them all!

Which one would you pick and why?


defintly psychic imrpovement on gumroad


Brain audio more intelligent u are more money hence u knowā€‹:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

Subconscious limit removalā€¦ to dissapate the limit of ā€œI have to choose only one fieldā€ :grimacing:


To literally rule them all? :japanese_ogre:

Epsilon brainwave ;)


are you looping delta right now or are you on epsilon ?

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Right now? Soul core


sweet but I talk more about the brainwave run, got done with alpha last week, starting theta this week again and delta next and so on

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I wouldnt be typing in delta or epsilon lmao

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And I never tried thatā€¦ lets do it

hahah idk, hard for me enter delta so it will take some time before I cant write shit

Vibration of Creation

  • spiritual growth
  • clears energy blockages
  • grows all your chakras at once
  • improves material manifestation

Heck this field can might even enhance muscle growth, according to @uial:



TESTOSTERONE, nah Iā€™m playing probably vibration of creation if I had it


Possibly. :smiley:

It can enhance some growth and healing related processes, which might or might not enhance processes related to muscle growth and recovery.

The growth that happens as a result of the Vibration of Creation field might or might not occur in the precise way one typically imagines or intends ā€˜growthā€™ and related processes.


Wrote ā€œmight enhanceā€ in my first draft, but then replaced it with can enhance.

Should have trusted my gutt instinct :laughing:


I already see this quote starting a new male enanchment threadā€¦ ahahah


Intercession videos.

Iā€™m between soul (core) and Vibration (core)ā€¦ these are the main two. They just compliment each other so well if you think about it.
Soul restoration prevents leakage.
The vibration of creation audio brings you back to your true power.

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Could beā€¦ but donā€™t underestimate either the possibility that maybe Uial was also referring to some of us females, having a moreā€¦ virile Mars energy (or similar. I just used the first clichĆ© coming to my mind lol).

Some already know that I hanged around like a rocket during my first days with VoCā€¦ Just my general way of functioning ;)

I mean Iā€™ve never been the kind to repress for a long time my emotions, even the explosive ones. Maybe a good consequence has been this: never had a serious health problem so far, at least not those related to a somatization of emotions, you know.

But on the longer run, VoC is great to sort things out, undoubtedly.

As for my answer to the initial question: Tree Experience with a teaspoon of Devic and a half glass of Quasi Crystal.


i second this!

or maybe The Hand of Glory if i played it long enough. :grin:


I never underestimate what Uial writesā€¦ mine was just a joke


Shocked that no one picked Ego Dissolution.

Maoshan_Wanderer Regular

Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal - because the physical health benefits of this are enormous!

For the other stuff, I have my gang of tags anyway :blush:

Bronyraur :arrow_right: Starlight

Could it be because trees donā€™t have a stupid human ego which has to be eliminated? Already egolessā€¦

Ma lo so, he! Anche lā€™inizio della mia frase era un scherzo :) Odio esprimermi in Inglese perchĆ© non riesco mai :/

Bronyraur :arrow_right: Starlight

I was serious by the way, I didnā€™t write that only because I was shocked that you were shocked ;))

Captainā€™s Experience audios are not only role-playing games. For instance, Tree Experience has many other properties, be it grounding or stress relief, etc. Almost an all-in-one formula. Plus, it was scientifically proven that being in contact with trees modifies brainwave activity in a ā€œpositiveā€ way (so does Ego Dissolution).


Eh anche io sono abbastanza un cane :)


Tu oppure io? ;)) Non vedo lā€™ora che arrivino i giorni in cui possiamo finalmente comunicare soltanto telepaticamente :alien: :))


Natural male enchancment.


@anon17734191 :clap:t2: :100:

Seriously, that one is priceless. Many people here whoā€™ll achieve enlightenment some day will say: ā€œIt all started with male enhancementā€¦ā€


yeah because it didnt work and you had to find another way to enhance masculinity :joy:


Isnā€™t it ;))) But also because such a ā€œfailureā€ can have other consequences, like:

  1. Learning to have more determination, patience and creativity in order to reach other solutions.
  2. Enhancing other aspects of masculinity. More archetypal or broad ones, like capacity to defend boundaries, to protect loved ones, etc. things like that.
  3. etc.

Here are posts in this thread which were not migrated from the old Discourse website:


yeah, everybody has their own motivations, at the end of life you will be there where you want to be, but the way wont be that one you imagined

Owl :arrow_right: Bronyraur

Yeah. People just doesnt see the bigger picture.


Bullshit. Careful with the ā€œit will work outā€ propaganda, its meant for slaves, not us.

Stop thinking theres a ā€œgodā€ or destiny that has everything laid out for you.

Literally most old people regret so many things, it kills them from the inside, but too late to change shit.

Future depends on your individual choice right now.


oh yeah I mean if you set your goal and work for it,
from nothing cannot come something, my bad for wording it like that



Most people are like ā€œiā€™ll figure it outā€ or ā€œgod has a planā€.

Boom 50 years passed and theyre still the same weasel.


5 years passed for me with that thinking and shit got only worse :D

found sapien tho so idk, guess it will work out now

but yeah I talk more about the practical approach, for example
I want to travel astral but I dont think I will travel it the way I imagine probably, it will happen but not like I think it will


ā€œI think, therefore I amā€


The subconscious doesnt think tho ;)

It just stores information , can be defensive, but ultimately its a soldier, It will obey the general.


Man I hope I get my tag soon


Subc limits?




Be ready for some reality shifts ;D


you bet I am :D


Heart of the milky way

GianLee :arrow_right: Samurai

Tan cierto! :+1:


Why not Vibration of Transcendence?