I’m so with you on these. Ok, as Samurai said, I try to do my best to look on the other side as well, in order to grasp those dudes’ other possible motives, wounds, etc.
But I remain stuck after a certain point. I mean, I also had to live and work 24/7 with a whole clan of men for some time. Some were big philosophers, “ahhh if you only knew, my child… if you were able to see things as broad as I do. Plus, we meeeeen are here to protect yaaa”. Blabla and blabla.
Those guys had twice my age and thrice my physical weight, but oooo surprise, whenever there was a problem with the police or other bandits, they were all escaping like Road Runners and leaving me alone to deal with the trouble. Their high-level philosophy hasn’t saved us, not even once lol
I’m not a feminist (in the narrow/popular sense of the term) by the way. It’s just that I have legitimate difficulties while trying to “buy” some speeches…