So this is about pretty much most of the healing techniques which seem to be often pseudo-science.
For example acupuncture, yes proven effective in studies, however it has been shown that when the needles are stuck in places that aren’t meridians it is still effective.
In short, it is the placebo effect.
Similar results for other techniques such as EFT.
I’m wondering if it could be the same with the audios?
I’ve studied psychology many years so I have a lot of critical thinking skills when it comes to these things.
Perhaps because all of this is dormant in my unconscious mind, I am incapable of receiving results from audios. My brain can’t be fooled into a placebo because it’s expecting things to work only if the scientific explanation for them is genuine and not gift wrapping for a placebo.
People on this forum have had these audios work for them wonderfully.
One example of that is the hyper sleep state, an audio which makes you require 5 hours of sleep instead of 8. That can’t be placeboo.
Another thing is that just because you don’t “feel” something from the audios, doesn’t mean they aren’t working. Most people are not sensitive to these audios.
I’m very curious to know your playlist, would you be kind to post it here, how long did you play it for, how many times a day, we’re you using any other audios from other creators etc…
Right here this type of thinking is enough to block your subconscious mind to receive any type of changes, in this case the audio fields.
There is a topic here in the forum about the plants experiments, I recommend you to check it out.
I can understand why you think this is placebo. Certainly appears that way. We’ve done an experiment on plants and plan to do more to prove they are not. That being said, it’s my word against your experience. If you aren’t experiencing results like others are, it’s logical to discount our work.
Listening to these audios with the pretense that it is placebo is subconscious resistance in itself. Even if this was placebo, if you go into doubting the work in some form or another, your subconscious will resist it more strongly. Our audio fields are not forceful in that they forcefully push through subconscious resistance to cause change… as that would only cause issues.
Generally, when you try to create changes in your body/mind, the subconscious tends to resist at first because it always works to keep your body/mind in homeostasis (keeps it the same to keep it stable). Change in general is a difficult thing to accomplish due to the push against it by our very own mind.
So, going in believing it is placebo is a subconscious way of saying ‘this doesn’t actually work’ which validate that resistance even further. And so… you’ve created a placebo for yourself and block it from working. Even if you ascribe to the scientific belief that placebos are effective, they are only truly effective if you actually believe they are what they present themselves to be. In A/B scientific experiments (1 placebo, 1 real drug), the scientists don’t tell the subjects which drug is placebo and which is not. They tell them ‘this is the drug.’
Anyways, I just wanted to make that clear. Open mindedness is central to creating any sort of change in oneself. Whether you are using our work or anyone elses. But I get why you would be close minded to this. It does all seem absurd and alien to normal day to day life.
I appreciate the input and thank you for sharing this with us. I also thank you for trying us out and in a way, trusting our work to help bring you results. I still think you can get results if you open your mind to this a bit more. Hope you do and find the results you are looking for magicwitch
Spot on! Especially when compared with other creators who “feel” strong but as I always have contended, “feeling” stronger is not necessarily the same as better or faster results. Stronger feelings may just mean stronger resistance.
One thing I would like to point out is that the energetic programming in the audios will eventually override that of your own subconscious mind. This means that if given enough time, these fields will push through the resistance and be integrated by your subconscious mind.
This is why patience is so important. If you give these fields time, they will undoubtedly work.
Think about it as a long journey and everytime you listen to the audio you are taking a slight step towards finishing that journey.
You can speed up the process by adding Subconscious limits Removal and Ego dissolution as these fields help dissolver inner resistance and make you more open to change.
The HGH and stomach shrinking were only added 10 days ago and I’ve been listening to the rest for 6 six weeks. Before the six weeks I had a 3 week break and had been listening for 3/4 weeks straight.
I’ve been playing the concordia booster for the past couple weeks too. I listen to the audios 1 or 2 times each since I use the booster. Before used to play them 3/4 times.
I didn’t really have that thinking until I started wondering why I wasn’t getting results.
I’ve also spent a lot of time researching healing techniques lately and the odds of success thanks to placebo for things such as reiki or acupuncture or eft etc have brought me down.
Thanks for your reply. I’m not going to stop using the fields because I want to keep trying to get results. Of course I want this to work. I am just frustrated that it isn’t working and trying to find explanations.
If the audios’ science is real then they should eventually work regardless of what’s in my subconscious so I’m persevering.
Well, consider this,
we believe in what we do, and because others have seen measurable change, they start to explore this new world and stick around.
With normal medicine, the same things do not work across the board in the same way, due the natural variety and differences in the human body.
The same can happen with these sometimes. (but i think this rate in my personal observations is far lower with the audios)
The channel is about 11 years old, there is no way we can still be around running a scam for years for the majority of which is free.
Good luck!
Just as I expected not enough times, 6 different physical fields, and used audios from other creators etc…
Thanks for posting your playlist… now I want to ask you if you are willing to try something extreme with a new approach and mindset.
Drop everything you know about how to play these audios, I’m well aware of the recommendations the forum gives but sometimes one needs to go up a notch with a few rules to follow to the book, as you belong to that special group of (No Results).
Pick only ONE audio of your playlist ( very important to be just one, no cheating )
Loop it, yes loop/repeat only that audio all day if it needs to, preferable 24/7. Wake up, sleep, shower with it, doesn’t matter etc… just let that sh*t play
Forget about it, don’t even think if it’s working or not, so no expectations, just let the audio field do its job
Low volume is fine as long you can hear it, speakers are best if possible.
No Subliminals, frequencies, affirmations, binaural or any other energy works from other creators.
Now for how long? Do it for a week, if no results carry on till you made it a month, I guarantee you less than a month you will get the results you looking for, and then only then you can move to another audio.
From my observations, there are two things that stop the fields from not producing the desired results for certain people, too many audios, and not enough repeats.
Sounds extreme but there is a saying " desperate times calls desperate measures"
This will prove to you that it’s not a placebo and you get to experience the results for yourself if you follow these steps. By the way please read the description of each audio, the Stomach Shrinking and Facial Symmetry there is a warning about the muscles and they can become sore, if any of this happens to you then you know you are on the right track, so take a small break and then restart the program again if desirable results have not been achieved.
Best of luck, and let us know your results if you decide to pursue this method.
You haven’t said anything disrespectful I think. You were sharing your personal experience with the audios and your doubts. I don’t see an issue with that