Dream 1 - The World In A Hospital
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the topic where I first posted about this dream, so I will rewrite it from memory.
The Dream:
In an old hospital building, there is a room. I am observing the room, in which there are two men. One lying in a bed, the other sitting on the ground next to him.
The man in the bed is falling apart, mentally and physically. His body is crumbling, just as his mind.
The man who sits next to him, is a young man, and he tries to ignore what is going on next to him, smiling meekly and repeating that everything is alright and this was nothing to be scared of.
It is obvious that he doesn’t really believe in what he is saying.
Then my perspective changes, and now I am this man, this meek man trying to calm himself down.
And I feel all his terror and horror as the deceasing man leans over the side of the bed, looking “me” into the eye and saying with a sinister smile “Welcome to the Matrix and Religion”.
The Meaning
This dream might at first look nonsensical, like a made up horror story created by the mind.
But if you look deeper into it, you see how this dream describes the horror we experience in this world.
Let’s remember, that all of this took place in a hospital. The hospital was the house in which all of this took place. And in this hospital, there is a room in which the dream unfolded.
What is important to notice is that we are, at first, the observers of the scene, just like we are observers when we watch a movie. So we are not attached to what was going on or who was in it.
We were unconditioned consciousness.
But then our perspective changes and now we have a body, an identity and a perspective with its corresponding emotions and beliefs. This is what mankind is. Most people live as the human they control and live from this perspetive. This perspective is of course limited to the senses, so it is no wonder that a sight like a deceasing body would shock such a person.
Death and destruction are the horrors our mortal body fears the most.
So it seems like there is a lot of weight associated to this identity, since at first, as observers, we didn’t really care much about it. We were indifferent observers.
So when the man on the bed looked us in the eye and said “Welcome to the matrix and religion”, he was greeting us into the world of duality, where young is born and the old dies.
Religion, in this context, doesn’t mean the belief in a deity. Religion means not questioning the seemingly-solid facts we encounter in this world and believing they have power over us. So in a sense believing in external circumstances is like believing the circumstance is God - not just an empty part of duality. We give away power.
The Matrix is the outside world. Since we believe the outside world is so powerful, as it appears incredibly solid, we believe it is the actual reality.
So Matrix and Religion as I have described here keep us tied to the state of the powerless, scared man and away from our true self, which is simply indifferent about the whole experience.
To it, every event is just an experience. Nothing more and less.
It chooses what it wants to experience, not the outside circumstances, as it is the creative force.
This is easy to recognize in a lucid dream, where it is obvious that the dream has no effect on us, unless we choose so. And during this, we are in absolute control. There is nothing in a dream that could harm us, because the dream takes place in our consciousness - there is nothing that is separate from us.
So the idea of external circumstances having power over our experience of life is entirely foreign to our true self.