Increased mileage on cars!

How cool would it be if Dream creates a field that allows a car’s carburetor to mix higher quality free air with gas into the vehicle and allow it to run more efficient.

Would it even be possible to produce something like this? Haven’t seen any idea of the sort.


I saw something related years back here but didn’t try any of their products and its not through morphic fields instead they say through Quantum Plasma Electro-Vortex Vehicle Power Magnets . I didn’t dig deep into much but you can check here

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Damn… is this legit?? Maybe anyone know what is this Alien technology?

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That doesn’t work, also read about it.

Reaaalyy? I want that extraaa 50hp and more fuel effiency


Horse power :sob: I’m in this for the gas :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Well if those magnets really work, and you dont have the best quality of fuel, this might save up some fuel. Thats is one of the reasons.
Another thing is, if everything on there written is true, it will be more fuel efficient, because you wont need to press the gas pedal so much and if everything works smoothly, engine, etc., less fuel will be used.
I think this would be work perfectly on old diesel turbo cars :heart: (if its true)

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Maybe this would be picked up by Sammy or dream.

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Hope so :eyes: :eyes:

Soo what did you read about that? Its fake?

Could a Servitor do it? I have had some success with my servitor fixing appliances and once even my Friend’s TV briefly till we could watch a game.

Interestingly, I was watching Poltergeist 2 last night, where the Native American shaman “talks” to the higher spirit of the car and gets it working…interesting idea!


Oh shit, thats a good idea. Well time to make my servitor a mechanic


Shoot that might work, how would one instruct it? Read/watch videos on Gas efficiently?

Can it be done with a premade servitor? Or would it be best to create a new one just for a mechanic purpose?

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