Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

Hahaha ohhh my inner man strong af too he doesnt need no andostrenol lol


hey guys i have another update. Today i predicted something. So i was watching an instagram story and i though about someone and they instantly messaged me. Weird.


Get ready Rita, this is going to happen more and more often and sooner or later you’re going to be questioning whether your thoughts are truly yours or some one else’s




Thank you! I just hope i can telepathy make people do what i want​:sob::joy::joy:. Not like bas things! I just want my teachers ti be understanding and make me pass this exams​:joy:


Gosh…Listened to it maybe 5 times today. Feels like i got the whole world inside my head now. Works well with the tailsman i have.


Main things I noticed is that I can go into alternate brainwave states easier, my mental energy increased, my intuition has been on fire, I have better emotional control, my energy sensitivity went up, and I keep hearing my ears ring…as if I’m tuning into higher frequencies. Did not play the audio loudly btw. I looped for around 6 hours today while working


6 hours like woe are you naturally sensitive to energy ?

I was starting my sleep stack but going to try this one tonight for 8 hours.


and I wear the tag 24/7 and nothing happens :joy:

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Yes I am naturally sensitive to energy


Let me know how it goes

Lol took me a few years into my adulthood to realize that I have a pretty impressionable subconscious mind.


Another thing is that with my pendulum I have better more accurate readings. I make my pendulum choose the cards yes or no and it’s always right. like I asked a question multiple times and it chooses different cards where it says the same answer to my questions. every time. i asked if i will be famous and it said no with different cards, i asked if i will pass my exams and it said yes with different crads online cards and youtube tarot yes ir no readings. Always the same answer

Same here. Even BPIL or abundance tag makes me feel overwhelmed. I don’t think I’ll be able to carry any complex fields like Ascension or Eternity in the future.

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oh boy you will

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So if I understood correctly, this field is building connections for communication with subconscious, and Subconscious creates reality…as within so without


it was the same for me at the beginning of using fields, I would be sick after 5 fields in a row, headache, sniff, feel like shit, bad sleeping pattern all that bullshit, sometimes even for 2 weeks even after I stopped using fields haha, but man you grow to it and what really helped me where the cards, attunement, energy body enhancer, they would probably even help now but I dont use them that much. I mean even now for example the course, man, I used 1 audio 2 times in a row, sick for a week, instantly haha, would feel tired, headache, sniffing, blocked nose but yeah, now I can listen to 2 times in a row and wouldnt feel bad, I am up to 13 fields a day minimum, depending on the day but you grow with time, stick to the fields which grow energy body and chakras, use the cards and you are good to go, and meditate just for the sake of it, I would advise you to eat healthy and just in general workout etc. this helps the body a lot, is good mentally, and overall you just feel good, the better you feel the better balance is there and clean yourself, I mean your energy body and your mind, remove the things from your life that bother you, work on them, cut ties with people, dont bother with drama anymore, focus on yourself


yeah, this one is I hope for many of us a gamechanger

Yes but firstly you must teach yourself to think what you want to think, and not to think automatically cause subconscious doesn’t recognize difference between good or bad, it objectify everything… that’s the reason why the world is sometimes in Chaos