Induced and Enhanced Plasmalogen Production: New Release

Has anyone stuck to this field successfully and can report back?
Can this be listened more than 3x? Has anyone looped this?:cherry_blossom:

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I used this field for about a month straight and my overall health improved majorly and so did my ability to use more fields. This is one of my favorite health fields.

And no, do not loop. I used it 4x once and felt overloaded.


take care bro :pray:

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Thatโ€™s so good to hear! Were you listening for something specific?
Also,can you recommend one field that would cover ALL health issues? When they are minor but hard to diagnose especially. Just something to restore you to perfect health.

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What was this from? The link is now invalid =)

I read and liked that comment on YouTube before it was removed. :slightly_smiling_face:
Zen has linked it and no longer available.


Thank you for clearifying! Powerful field if it helped with all that <3