Information, suggestions on receiving tags in europe from ups

In paris I got it in my mailbox, probably the same in other countries

Lol, I answered what I think you’re asking

I live in Italy; I placed the Tag order from SapienShop on November 28 and on December 16 the tracking warns “Package arrived at international carrier” in my country
No updates since December 16, everything seems to have stopped

It might take some time, but everything should be good, I’d wait a while after the holidays before considering taking actions

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What I would like to know is if they take care of everything or is it me who should get in touch?

They deliver at your house, no need to get in touch

I was thinking about customs problems or with the non-Schengen area, that is the USA

Lol, stop thinking. It’s late december, they are usually maxed out, now there are even more online purchases and the covid restrictions. So, wait a bit


Thanks for your answers

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You’re welcome :+1:

Should be okay, I received mine both in an EU and a non-EU western European country without issues - could be just Christmas, you’ll probably get it in January.

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I ordered a tag nov 3.

It left sapien shop nov 23.
Arrived to sweden nov 29.
Silence, no further tracking info.
By that time the swedish postal service had lost another order I made from the US. Figured that was not an option for my tag. I put an intention in the intention repeater that my tag was to be delivered fast and safe to me.
That was around dec 2.

A couple of days later the tag showed up in the Route app, being at the custom. A notification for payment dec 9. Processed by dec 11.

Arrived at my hometown dec 21. :wink:



Amazing, wow, another use of the Intention Repeater!
Thanks, you give me a great idea.

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What a great idea! Thanks!
I ordered something (not from S.M.) that had good reviews on suggestion from a friendly source. I should have held off because it was shipped from Hong Kong. Well I ordered it Dec. 4, but it is stalled IDK where, (probably still in Hong Kong) and everyday they keep adding 1 day on for how long it will take to be delivered. Now it is 21 days to be delivered. Well I just now put on the Intention Repeater with your suggestion. I also have had my Intersession V.2 tag on it too.

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Yes, it’s worth a try!:wink:


I am sure Pia has some kind of deal with faes and fairies :sunglasses:… I would imagine they abound that area!!


Well, I feed them with cupcakes…:wink:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Intention Repeater Thread

A little over an hour ago the Tag arrived at my house, cheers!



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