Infusing crystals with fields?

So,using the K2 Stone audio I got an idea to try infusing its energy with Amethyst that I have.That way I would have a hybrid crystal,and by having amethyst close to me while asleep, I would be having benefits of both.
Now the question arises:can and should crystals even have energy of others crystals?If answer is yes,are there only specific combinations that would work and understanding how they specifically work is crucial to knowing if they will be a good or bad matchup?

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Yeah, it can. There’s no ‘crystal’ tag to the energy of a crystal, and no ‘limited to one crystal tag’ affix mod description.

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So basically I can mix whatever I want,depending on effect I want?

Yep. And it’s all dependent on the properties of the crystal you’re enchanting.

For example, you could put amethyst energy on a moldavite and it would work really well, even interact with it, but you couldn’t put moldavite energy on an amethyst because it would not be compatible. Yet on a different amethyst it could be possible, depending on the individual crystal’s properties.

It’s up to you to learn to feel that out and discern between what is what and what is possible and not possible, or viable or non-viable.

I have two fields on a moldavite necklace, and it works perfectly. But this is the maximum I can put on it, anything else would be pushing it to the point of it being ineffective. While on another moldavite that I have, three fields would be possible. Would require some effort, but it would be very possible indeed.

Whoa that is some rly specific knowledge there.U live up to ur nickname I guess.How do I know how much fields can my crystal take?My amethyst is hexagonal with spike endings on both ends.That would make it better emmitor for fields I guess.Also how would I know if my amethyst is compatible with having moldavite energy?What is the feeling I am looking out for?And how would I drain the infused energy from the crystal.Pls dont say dip in salt water or put it in earth.

Dip in salt water and bury it in the Earth.


You’ll get an intuition for it as you start practicing stuff. For now just focus on infusing objects with energy. Make sure to write everything down on paper so you can keep track and focus your subconscious.

U mean playing audios to something else than crystal?Or u mean like I actually do pratice energy work,making energy balls and then putting them inside maybe a metal object?Too much hastle and I dont see the point infusing anything other than my amethyst and rose quarz.

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Yeah, actually putting in work. You actually need to go do stuff like that and start putting in work if you ever want to practice anything worthwhile.

Same for ‘ascension’, it doesn’t come by sitting around on your ass and just listening to audios. You actually have to do the element of work too.


Got it man thanks for ur fast reply.

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