Intention Repeater Thread

Here this is all you need to get it running.

Make sure you have installed the Cuda toolkit from Nvidia before running the intention_repeater_max_cuda_2.2.exe.

so I download this whole folder or just max cuda 2.2 exe?I will go with cuda toolkit also.But how do I implement all this which video from ANthro channel do I use

Try the intention_repeater_max_cuda_2.2.exe without the Toolkit first to see if it works.
You might not need anything but that .exe file. Though you’ll have to see.

Look on my channel for How to Feel Good.

wrote in notepad first so I can save the command of code.Man this works instantly.I wrote in serbian I am tired,sleepy and I am gonna fall asleep easy.DUDE HOLLY SHIT IT SEEMS TO WORK IN MOTHER TONGUE.Only guess is is I shoulddnt use 5gb out of 8gb,but rather 3 gigs or so,any advice?


Try increasing and see how much your device can handle. My phone can run 23 -imem

what ss the model of the phone?how many gigs of ram?I wanna preserve pc,specifications are up above so what do u recommend?It basically affects u how u write it in any language?This is godly

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That’s not exactly correct.
You run in terminal/command prompt like this:

intention_repeater_max_3.3.exe --dur “00:05:00” --imem 5 --intent “your intent”

It shouldn’t be repeating the --dur and the --imem.

The way you have it, it is defaulting to just 1 GB and using --dur and --imem such as the intent.

Whatever repeats, that whole statement is the repeated intent.

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Colab does not use your phone’s resources. You run the repeater on their servers. The phones do not put so much RAM


Yeah that’s right. Forgot.

Only 1gb,I though imem 5 is for 5 gigs as u said in video,imem 8 being for 8 gigs.I can make txt file and just execute it using terminal,but then can I still control how demanding it will be for my pc?I dont wanna use 100% resources,more like 30%,even if it needs to run for longer,in order to see results.
Edit:I believe adding name of the exe file solved the issue,sorry for being dumb I was high af and drunk when I came home yesterday.So am I doing it right now in the screenshot,is it utilising 5gb ram this way?Still wondering is imem 8 my higher limit cuz of my configuration.

You need to run the program from the command line

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So is it fine like I did now,is it okay using only , to space affirmations,or each affirmation should be solo line in cmd?

Also does this work only to affect our subconscious or it is manifesting tool,like if i write,I will get random 50 dolla(i wanna be realistic),and leave it running it will get me closer to that.Or I need to use something more specific.Damn I need to research Anthro’s channel,this intention repeater is pure gold,why arent more people into this?

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I know I am spamming,but damn all that energy work and energy sensitivity practice has paid off.I am able to feel effects fast and intense.I will try using repeater to programm my water with Modafinile features so I can go on binge stuyding session,but also add affirmations that I have perfect memory recall and understand everything.If it works,I will probably attempt to make WAV file out of the script as ANthro does it,so I can use it daily and not use my pc resources as much. this video inspired me,I just wonder if it is okay for me to mute video,or even go away from pc and will it still work for me.I suggest to anyone who is energy sensitive give this video a try.

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Yes, this video shows how to get to command line and how to run it:

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How to run on ANDROID cell phone?

thanks :+1::smiley:

It doesn’t depend on the subconscious as it affects reality itself to a certain extent. Though YMMV as with anything.

Well, many don’t believe it works. I posted the Repeater Python to the Python subreddit and they took it off cause it was downvoted to -2 and said it was low quality. Some call me delusional for believing it works. So many don’t think it can even work.

It has worked for people who don’t believe it does. This is on one of my Repeater vids:



If you use i.txt as the intention (with all your intents in that file) on Google Colab Pro, you can hit 3.3EHz. That’s 3,300 PHz.


These are the directions for using a custom file on Colab:

Here’s a video on using my Intention Repeater WAV Converter to convert JPG/PDF/ETC into a WAV file.

Available here:

There is also my WAV writer that converts text repeatedly into a WAV file:

These WAV files will be noisy, but they are powerful. You can play them on mute and it still works. They are at least as strong as the Repeater Colab in many instances.

So just play the WAV from there if you don’t want to use up your PC resources all the time.

Like make a WAV that can charge water. Save $100’s from the water-charging software that’s out there.

If you play the WAV through scalar tech with like a DragonFly Red DAC, it can be very powerful.

These require min v3.5.3 of Python.


So I tried converting my text intentions into wav.Method you used in the video for yt didnt work for me.After typing python int and pressing tab,only new line would come.So I ran it using python,then the on screen text offered me to choose name of wav,then to type intentions(I think I could have also drag and drop the txt file,but didnt wanna risk it),ran it for 2 mins and got 10 minute wav.Question:
If I wanna use it to charge my water can I run multiple duplicates of the wav file so it is way stronger,and turn of headphones and speakers,or I can just mute the sound?Do I just leave it on,and go do my stuff or I need to be present or even listening to the sound().
Update:made a wav for focus,and I could feel opening multiple copies makes it more and more intense(it is muted),so yeah I think this answers my question partially,but I still wonder if it works the same way with water.By this logic I can open 20 duplicates of wav and it will programm water strongly in 10 minutes or less.