Intercession Experiences

How may I ask did you use the field in a way you weren’t supposed to?

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Oh beg a pardon me, but when I play his image on my smart TV or when carrying his mandala I feel indeed more masculine than I was before having him, I can’t explain, but I think he is very masculine nature but he can adjust himself to ladies too when they use him…but I sensing Michael as masculine, as great archangel warrior, when carrying him I have this urge to be like him, strange but true
23:23👈 hmm interesting

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Well yeah, cause that’s something you need and how it needs to appear to you.

One day, maybe you’ll ask him over for a spot of tea and scones and wanna talk about nature or the weather.
He’ll be able to take off his “armor” and “sword” and “yang” energy and appear quite neutral in his “masculinity/feminity” aspects


there are no “evil humans”. if you read enough psychology and the latest findings on medicine, you’ll see that everyone who behaves badly or mistreats anyone (like you are doing now, insulting people) is fooling himself, is defying logic and the laws of nature and gets a ticket to cancer or any autoimmune dicease. that’s why we came to the conclusion that there are spirits who mess with us. so, better be carefull. love and forgiveness is not a cheesy concept, is how things work. that’s why the deamons and evil spirits and stuff, don’t and will not in any wolrd have the advantage. ;)

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Ive worked with Michael for as long as I can remember. He is sweet and caring UNTIL someone even slightly tries to cross the line, then he does not hesitate for a second to draw his sharp sword to cut anything or anybody that gets in his way. He is unbelievably powerful and can grow and expand as wide and open as its needed in a flash of a second, freezes ppl and makes them feel the worst horror if needed. Trust me, he is the highest protector in the Angels realm and the more you acknowledge him and tell him how much you appreciate him, the more fiercely he protects you.


Were you in a meditative state when you did this?

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Hello guys…right now I am listening to Alien Intercession. Can I listen to another intercession audios? I am thinking want to put Angelic Intercession on my playlist.


Yes you can have you seen this new audio?


thank you…i forgot about this audio


I love playing:
*Armor of Light & Glory (added when it was released)
*The Spear of Destiny
*The Grace of Angels and Saints

before i go to sleep. These make me feel so good and content.


I mix those 2 :partying_face: but usually in the mornings once at work for blessings in my day ahead :sunglasses:


Starting from Harvard’s question and extrapolating a little: some life events, etc. had turned me into someone almost totally refusing to ask for/receive help (or “service”, to use the refined nuance in the general description of the Dream Seeds channel). Not accepting… and the importance of this ability to accept help/service has been greatly emphasized in one of Maoshan Wanderer’s post.

Ironically, my main official job is about… helping or serving… depends on how one sees mental health professions.

“I can do this to others… but the other way around is impossible. They’ll let me down eventually or I’ll seem weak”, etc. such were the BS in which I had been trapped for the last 10 years.

Several months spent with Dreamweaver’s intercessions, portals + 1 galactic tag have allowed me to loosen the ropes, so to speak. As well as some humans that I’m lucky to have around me. Because NO, not everybody is mean, unfaithful, ready to let you down at the first occasion and blabla. My dear _OM would have probably shown up with an article about projection right here ;))

And now each intercession has its specific purposes in my life:

- Angelic + (especially) Grace: for “higher” matters. I don’t know which term to use in order not to make it sound like holy moly or as if putting them on a pedestal. It’s not like that… but anyway, “je me comprends” ;)) More like being at home with family and feeling safe, eating cookies.

- Devic: for more earthly (lol) matters. Like hanging out with friends, more relaxed ambience, no need for extra manners, etc. Hugging the planet.

- Essassani: to get a glimpse of “my future”…

- Arcturian: for… well, let’s say the subtleties of the Flower of Life…

etc. etc.

One thing I was skipping was grounding work after the intercession experiences.

I’m generally not a fan of formulas such as everybody should do/get/use/buy/read this (exceptions aside) but at least for me, adding the grounding part has erased many personal side effects (meaning actual grounding, audio grounding and/or servitor grounding).


Thank you sharing this Bronyraur!


Been seeing a lot of angel numbers lately with the use of intercession. I got in my car and the clock just so happened to get stuck on 4:44 for a bit. I saw it when I first got in and thought “that’s cool” but about 7 minutes down the road I checked again and it was still at 4:44 so I knew it had to be a sign


I was feeling sad for some reason and my heart area felt heavy. On listening to angelic interesting two times I felt lighter. Nothing changed but I felt lighter somehow


So something changed :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ive lstened to angel, alien and devic intercessions and didnt ask or talk at all. But feel different after, like less worried. Havent noticed yet big changes, but might take more time.

If anybody has more experiences with the intercessions i would love to hear about it.

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