Is it me or am I the only one who finds the New Androstenol Way better than the old version?

I am viewed more as warm and friendly within two days of listening. Alot of smiles from people of both genders. Feels really good.


Yes, it’s a more “civilized” andro.
For the modern man on the go…



You saying I can have a warlord mentality again without dealing with annoying men thinking im gonna steal their women?

Tell me more, this seems interesting.

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You probably already reek of Andro.
Why any extra is going to set off everyone’s primitive alarm bells.

Stay focused :wink:


Im kidding lol

Although I liked my Atilla the hun mindset for a while :pleading_face:


There’s a reason they call it sexual TENSION and why people talk about being in the FRIEND zone. Also a reason why you see little girls and boys often approaching their early crushes by picking on them, teasing them, etc. Hell, a lot of flirting could fall into that teasing category (albeit usually not as aggressive as you get older).

If you don’t spark a certain level of unease… put your own ripple in the pool of reality… you’re going to be overlooked by both sexes and/or thought of as “nice” or “useful” but not necessarily a star.

It’s understandable people don’t want to be looked at with jealousy, maybe have someone start a fight with them. But, you have to understand, there is an element of respect in that. If someone sees you as a threat, that must mean you are somehow worthy to them.

Many a wise ruler / general has wound up making their enemies into generals, ministers, etc in their regime.

All these are generalizations, and you probably want some kind of balance. Just saying, I don’t think it’s wise to absolutely hate on tension, conflict, etc. It plays an important role in intergender relations as well as how men communicate and think about other men.


It’s a great post for others, but @Samurai is well aware of these issues.

We, hopefully, are moving onto other more "important’ matters…


I didnt choose to individualize in Orion, leave me alone :sob::sob:

But yes, who cares about humanity in general when you have IPF :stuck_out_tongue:



so it can cause trouble with male friends using androstenol?