Is it possible to make a field to fight the NWO agenda?

Man I really like that idea of yours. Would be an interesting experiment to try out. :slight_smile:

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I think this sounds interesting!
I’m not sure that the collective would work the way you think though. You assume the collective “wants” this as a common goal, I’m really not sure about that. The masses are happy to be blind and play their parts as muppets.

Also I’m not talking from a point of arrogance, even though that last last sentence feels like it. Just look around and see what is in the collective now (as world events are the materialization of that). I’m not talking about recent USA events.


Well, the way I see it is:
The Dream wrote into description that while listening we could/should ask question about what we want to know.
So, by asking ‘‘what I could do right now in order to fasten the end of NWO agenda?’’ or ‘‘what is something I could do to make NWO stop?’’ etc We would simply gain an answer to our question and voila. I am assuming that the Collective does not have an ‘‘will’’ just informations. Or even if it have any will we are not approaching this will, we are asking question to the mind. I am not willing to kill someone with a knife but I know how to do it (Thats just example, chill) or I am not willing to cook a burrito but I know how to do it etc. :smiley:


That’s not arrogant at all. It’s the truth. Trying to rise to the top like the politicians and bankers do for example is like being a king in hell.


Sorry to rain on everyone’s parade but I’d like to make a point, which I hope is received in proper perspective.

There is no NWO.

There is no unified elite group who controls the world.

Because being as it may, people can’t get along.

Yes, there are selfish and evil people in politics and government with ulterior motives and agendas sought to control others.

But when is there ever a time where there isn’t any evil people in power?

Here’s the thing…

No selfish, arrogant and suspiciously greedy souls could ever, in any century, stay long enough to cooperate together with each other to bring a NWO without someone screwing up. Even in secret societies.

Simply because human nature is imperfect. And so called “NWO” are not immune to human stupidity and clashing interests.

And what use will it be to focus on what evil people do? When you can focus on raising yourself up and bring more peace in the world.

For what we put our attention on we will attract more into our life.

The fact that no one has ever achieved world domination in the last 4.5 billion years already tells you that there are powers beyond us that prevent humans from “controlling the world.”

**They’re going to have to be as talented as Ghengis Khan.


im in the NWO




And I’m an alien


Yeah, I agree that humans aren’t able to do it.

But there is something bigger going on.
Higher Selves from different fractions and with different agendas, moving around their incarnational characters (humans, aliens etc.) like through a strategy game. This involves of course all the different Centuries and timelines is not a linear process like it is portrayed in some David Icke “lectures”, lol.

One could say there are different “NWO agendas” in the building all the time, but it is the different Higher Selves that are doing the planning and organisation. Humans, Alien fractions etc. are merely game figures on big planetary chess board. That is the reason why there are astral levels (beyond Monroe Level 35) and information that one is not allowed to access while being physically incarnated. One’s Higher Self will simply block access to certain “game secrets” in order to not jeopardize its overall game strategy.


I have found the right video.

Against the evil NWO agenda this will work if more and more people listen to it. Please join in guys. Let’s go for the kill. Spread the word.


I hate to ask, but huh… who did what to you ? Can’t you go to the cops ?

Do many here feel like they are victims of “the cabal” ?


I’m not sure I understand all of the terminology you mentioned, but I’m sensing I ought to agree.
Higher and lower agendas are happening all the time…all exist for a greater purpose we in our own perspective may not yet know…for now that is.



Okay guys. I’ve been WAAAY WAY into this subject. Willingly. Like, fully aware simultaneously that I should be careful to not get so wrapped up that I could be eating up false information, yet also passionate enough to want to dig, and know.

Theres a couple things I’ve noticed said that I want to address and I’d like to clarify beforehand that this same “two opposite perspectives both actively participating” concept applies here, meaning I may come across as a bit defensive but its just more a passion thing. The things I’m addressing aren’t things I’ve seen for the first time said here, but this community isn’t filled with the same types of people as everywhere else, and on top of that, I actually care about the community and those in it greatly.

Not that I really plan to be intense as heck, I just dont want to be misperceived if possible.

First thing is, let’s say the worst of the worst is in existence, that c word that I personally actually like but seems to be loaded with the same stuff as the word conspiracy theory in terms of the types of responses uttering such terminology appears to elicit. So, the cabal in this example exists in it’s full form. That means the “humans are too third density and silly and unreliable enough to form such a thing and sustain it” is, while, not without truth to it, isn’t the be all end all conclusion there (but I repeat, IS a valid point). I personally have the opinion that that would be why it should not be forgotten that the primary thing that is used to bind the individuals together in this scenario, IS BLACKMAIL, and I think that THAT should never be forgotten. And that’s only the point I want to make and example I want to use there. There would happen to be a lot going on there, I would say, in addition it and things like what JAAJ said, which is an intriguing perspective taken that I personally like.

Now my other thing pertains to what I feel like is a go to thing to say that I find kind of oversimplifies things. In the scenario that the full on baby blood utilising-tier cabal is real, then that is a situation of SO, SO MUCH NUANCE going on that… Yes, by and large, it should be remembered that your personal state of being, your ascension and your path in this life are of the utmost priority and that you should operate based more off of that, ESPECIALLY if digging into all of this is being a negative to you. But, now, using me as an example… My life in many ways has been DRASTICALLY impacted in the worst case scenario by them. But I know also many many other ways of looking at things that I can make a lot of this into a positive for me. Additionally, in the worst case situation, I think it would be EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for the collective timeline to make it into fourth density positive like most people would want to see happen that that situation and the influential group (cabal) who intends to block that REQUIRE resolution. And my final angle on this is just that there’s nothing wrong with making the point that you should prioritize your personal ascension and journey and all that but I believe some, myself included, were meant to come across and get into this stuff, and that’s okay too. (Even better if they can balance that with the personal realm effectively, imo)

And for the record, I agree not everyone can get the balance right, but also feel like maybe they are supposed to be right where they are in their journey. Idk. That all drained me. I just think it’s not the craziest thing that the possibility of all this happening, including a literal war in the shadows with global reaching implications would make someone passionate or something.

I think it’s more about where in the organization you focus.
Is it about “chief executives” controlling the lower rank agent through reward/punishment.

Or the “board of directors” itself. I think the example about them being too egoistical to cooperate was general but mainly about the board. Between the planners. No man rules alone, Pompey, Caesar and Crassus had their troubles.

And each civilization has it’s leaders and free riders.
However you want to slice it, at this level there is a large disconnect between planning and operations in terms of geographic, cultural, intellectual distance and language. Which gives leverage to the lower-upper class, the agents.

There is also a division between enforcement and planning. Traditional societies tried really hard to maintain a warrior-intellectual upper class but in the XXI century I doubt the “dark nobility”, “shadow rulers” heirs to kings and aristocracy do much dirt on it’s own.
Which leads to a professional warrior class at least to act inside the organization. Not talking about an army or police, more like a political police, some clandestine guestapo to lean on dissidents (maybe through blackmail like you suggested). These enforcers have to be on-board.

Each successive division gives rise to it’s culture, it’s ambitions and it’s ego. Time, uncertainty and the shifting of allegiance creates volatily -ie opportunity.
Every failure is an opportunity for a shift. Governments and Corporations, the biggest on them all fail at predicting and preventing simple problems. It is just too wide to anticipate everything.

Treasury, enforcement, intelligence gathering, advising. These functions or more precisely their leaders have leverage, autonomy and insurance policies (I can’t imagine them being so dumb as not to have a plan B of an “assured-mutual-destruction-type). Either that or you’re a god and can do anything alone by snapping your fingers.

The planners also have to compromise and agree on the plan and trust that they won’t get purged right after. Little philosophical/ideological differences matters.

Even when leaders have the same goal, the ambitious outsider/new members will pretend to offer something more to the members just so that he can wield the power and be king himself. Aka: divide and conquer baby. What ? Just because you were born late means you can’t rule or start your own competing organization ? Members can’t watch both organization and switch when one turns out better or overbid the rewards ?

I agree that the elite of any culture as more in common than with their respective masses, but still lot (not all) leaders still have their own tribal instincts and national preferences. Unless they have some parity measures and race ratios lol.

You can remember the Tower of Babel, the symbol of that complexity, the vulnerability it causes and the impossibility of solving them on this plane of existence.

If the elite is the central institution, the local institutions still have to reflect the incentives of the 99,99% of the population. That’s the whole reason why we’re talking about a cabal. But these 99% bystanders drive the world at least as much as the elite and have their own power hence why they haven’t been defeated yet.

That makes a lot of groups, each composed of individuals: 7+ billions in total.

If the all the rulers agreed it would have been done already.


It’s not achievable like that, the only solution (if you think there is a problem) is to ascend to another plane where cooperation is possible and will yield greater return for everyone.

The goal, the method, the philosophy are the same thing here. And dividing and conquering won’t solve the problem, it can ruin everything for everyone, it might be awesome for the winners, it might be maintained for a very long but it will collapse (and rise again lol). That system is not sustainable, because it’s not efficient.

Harmony and cooperation is just not on the wicked’s side.

If there was a healthy elite the type that would hold the “mandate of heaven” lol, you’d see it in the society at large. Society is a reflection of the leadership.

Plus, I believe that many of them would get cold feet at the last minute.

We’re gonna keep repeating until we learn,
We’re all gonna die some day regardless :man_shrugging:

If there was a coalition of the elite holding a monopoly, that’s how the whole world would look like:

They wouldn’t hide.

Or there is a NWO and they are really lame. Imagine all this power and they can’t manage to enslave the population :grimacing:
Or there is no such concentration of power… just some really powerful group that can do damage and abuse the rest of the world as long as they don’t fight too much between themselves

Or there is such a powerful force but they are not that bad (less bad than public figures who do that sht in broad day light) :man_shrugging:

If you were that rich and powerful, wouldn’t you want to chill and let the people manage themselves while taking a piece of their production.

They have some enemies in their power struggle, their are alien politics but most of them live like that


They can just wait and let people hustle to build technology and infrastructures they can leech on

They probably spend more time building their castles in space than else


to make sure the system perpetuate itself. give this thing " money " value because it gives them immense power. As unfair and uncessary this system is. Make sure people can’t wake up ( about consciousness, our universe, our limitlessness, as it would crash the system )

I recommend “In-Shadows” on YouTube
a great short animation film

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I’ll watch sometime but I say it now, I already don’t like the whole victim mindset I’m seeing


you got it wrong man, I’m not even in a bad situation regarding this system. Money doesn’t have any value whatsoever for consciousness and isn’t needed in any way. of course in the present system it is…But that’s precisely because we allow it to work that way, and precisely why I’m saying that people in power have no desire in us realising we are all making this system we live in. of course we are all responsible of our lives ! But for that it is needed to become aware of it right, which is what the system is fighting against


Yeah, but on the other hand, we’re born flawed, like the creator whoever/whatever let it happen or made it that way.

We could’ve been born strong with perfect knowledge and no emotional flaw :man_shrugging:

I’m not even saying it’s a mistake, that’s just how it is.
PS: yes, we should strive for better