Is Self-Reflection Necessary? How do you do it?

Do you look within occasionally? How do you know you are growing in the direction you seek?

I’m not sure if I do this, actually. I wonder if anyone has a ritual of self-reflection - like maybe daily or weekly or at some other interval.


I tend to self reflection every morning by meditating. It is a simple thing, but it grounds me and allows me to observe my thoughts. My higher self then communicates with me via thoughts and then I got ideas on what to do for the day.

So far for the past three days, my HS during meditation wanted me to keep my stack the same, no adding or removing the field. HS was very persistent.

So yeah, I believe doing self reflection daily or weekly helps with moving forward, everyone’s belief differs but for me our purpose is to evolve and expand our consciousness.




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First of all: Amazing Photo

I generally use to go on quiet places such as forest or urban parks in early morning when there is no one around, sit somewhere and reflect on inside matters.

At the beginning for me was hard to get in touch with my emotions, I’ve had a long period of apathy where I could not find out what I’ve been feeling about any matter at all, I mean it was not empty, as I could percieve the disconfort, but nothing was clear, like having an itch but without finding where.

In the misfortune of 2020, fortunately I’ve had the time to just stand still for months, go to my balcony under the shadow of my domestic garden and think, think and think again, and this made me go deep, scratching away the apathy and find an understanding of myself, that was sort of a starting point.

About the direction, I’ve never had such a masterplan, I’ve always been like going with the flow and then check what’s going on and readjust for the best or second best option.

16Y.O. me didn’t wanted to go to university, now I’m PhD Researcher.

At one certain point I’ve thought to drop everyone and go to a monastery and live there the rest of life ahahhaha, (haven’t done it, but for a while I’ve lived monk mode, very early wake up, very early go sleep, nothing mundane ecc, funny experience thoo)


Very beautiful. Thank you. I can feel the yearning and the growth.


i have allways not grasped the idea that we are Source-Energy-Beings.

thanks to many of the tools from Dreameaver i begin slowly to grasp what does this mean or atleast 5%. but it is enough to say that …

everything one such being come in contact with reflects shim.

when one is one shim right path every thread of life connected to shim moves forward and develops.

when needed also heals.

maybe the most important self-reflection in this context would be of ones power.

when this stage is reached…the realisation of our personal freedom/divinity/power then we reflect on others arround us and begin to respect this tiny but mighty spark even in the unworthy…to realise the driving force behind them and you has same origin.

then you as a self realised being being also to use the tools from Dreamwaver in a different manner and of course with exlosive results .

all of this leading to affirmation of you own divine self.

like a cycle of affirmation of the SELF and power.

hope what i wrote was clear

nice thread!

PS: this stage is reached when you allow yourself to capitulate and accept the bad and ugly inside and outside of you… speak it out loud if you must to the tools that you use and then you pave your new healing path. for this one should be not proud not shameful. no mirror except the one infront of your soul.


Very clear and nice response. Everything we come in contact with reflects us. Awesome.
TY gold

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Self-Reflection is an essential part in any type of growth for these very reasons:

I suppose self-reflection is necessary at some level, but then so are a lot things. . But is it sufficient. No. It’s even a little dangerous (see Narcicuss), as is a dedication to service (or reflection of) to others.

As social beings with private mental experiences, we have hard task to maintain balance. There are so many “temptations of the good” that can wreck us. Unless one is in a monastery, I’d balance self-reflection with an other regarding activity or a diversionary activity. Lots of people lose their way inside the self.