Is there a device that can sense energy?

Is there any kind of device out there that can actually sense energy fields and such? I thought it’ll be interesting if there was something publicly available that we can use that can confirm that audios and items are giving out energy signatures.


There is one, and its not a device… :man_shrugging:

“YOU” :100:


I almost think there must be one out there. If you could find an orgone detector/meter that wasn’t simply a voltometer with the word “orgone” slapped onto it.

Create blank audio files that are one minute long using audacity. Create an audio track from a field that you personally feel is very strong by clipping the track down to one minute.

Play the audio on your pc speakers, adjust the volume until it is as low as possible while you can still hear it, where you have to put your head near the speaker to hear it.

Take these 2 files you’ve created. Copy and paste copies of each file until you have 5 of each in a folder or on your desktop, 10 in total.

Change the name of each file to have a number 1 through 10 in front of it so you have a group of files that look like this.

1 silence.mp3
2 vibration of.mp3
3 silence.mp3
4 vibration of.mp3

all the way to 10.

Open all 10 in vlc media player. Organize them so they are in order, 1 at the top, 10 at the bottom, drag and drop to rearrange.

Turn your back to the pc. Make sure you can see no reflection of the screen on the other side of the room. Turn off the screen if you need to.

Put in earplugs. Put ear muff style hearing protection on over the earplug inserts if you have them. Turn on a fan in the room to max setting.

Buy or make a pendelum.

Draw this on a piece of paper.

Put the paper on the floor. Ask yourself question’s like “Is my name (your name)?” and “Is my name (not your name)?” Make sure the pendulum works.

Set the vlc player to “random”. Get a stop watch. Press start on the stop watch and play on the vlc list at the same time.

Turn your back to the pc and your face to the paper on the floor.

Wait for the stop watch to read 1:30. Ask yourself, “Is the “vibration of” field present in the room right now?” Record your “yes or no” answer from the pendulum along with “1:30” on a piece of paper.

Do this 5 or 6 more times. Up to 10. You can always repeat the whole experiment if you want.

After 6 to 10 minutes you should have a piece of paper that looks like this:

1:30 “Yes”
2:30 “Yes”
3:30 “No”
4:30 “Yes”
and so on

Turn to the pc. Pause the media player and the stop watch at the same time.

Press this key once

see if it matches the last “Yes” or “no” on your list. Put a checkmark or X next to the last answer on your list. Keep pressing image and recording your Checkmarks and Xs until you’ve scored the whole sheet.


Sounds like a good method. Now did anyone already try this ?

There are some odd videos showing the Xbox Kinect picking up ghosts or something. If someone has ghost hunting equipment or a Kirlian camera, it might be worth a try. If you have an old digital camera you can make it an infrared camera on the cheap.

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