Is there such a thing as too much use in one day?

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Absolutely! In fact, unlike with most other things in this world, less is actually more, when it comes to Sapien fields.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading Sammy’s excellent Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated), which answers these and other questions.

That’s a matter of preference. It’s like how Picasso had his method of painting and Rembrandt had his. They both produced incredible results, in spite of their different methods.

I will share (from both my own experience as well as helping friends on this forum) than when you use lots and lots of fields (and especially for lots and lots of “things”), it’s very hard to tell which field is doing what to you, especially if you happen to have a “detox” reaction or something like that.

If you have a lot of goals you want to accomplish, I’d highly recommend that you sort them into a list of priority and cross a few of your goals off your list before adding fields for other goals.

I say the following in all earnestness (and without any snarkiness): In the upper right corner of every page of this forum, you’ll see a little magnifying glass icon. That’s the forum’s excellent search engine, which can find for you previous, good discussions we’ve had guiding new forum friends into this amazing world in which we play. This search engine is your friend. Get to know it and use it and you’ll come up to speed as quickly as I sense you’re wanting to.

Have fun!