hi guys could u guys suggest a field
to attract jobs and money…make my family. get rich something like this
- Ego Dissolution
- Subconscious Limit Dissolver
- Attract Wealth
- Million Dollar Mindset
- Abundance Mindset
And then you put in the work!
how many times for each one
Add these too?
-The Plasma Light
-The Torsion Field
-The Dreamtime
-Redefined Ojas
-Automated Grounding
1st doing job listen them…
Add The new Redefined Ojas field and it could replace high vibration. This field will make you pursue your goals and all around better your life will also help with your physical looks and aura
Summing up
- Ego Dissolution x1
- Subconscious Limit Dissolver x1
- The Torsion Field x1
- The Plasma Light x1
- Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance x …?
- Million Dollar Mindset (y/n)?
- Abundance Mindset x1
- Redefined Ojas x1
- Automated Grounding x1
Any suggestions and updates to the stack are appreciated
I dont see the need to add
Plasma light
Automated grounding
For a job/wealth stack
Add instead Emperor or Chariot, or The Star, Crucible, or Spear of Destiny, Angelical intercession etc
Def the Unbreakable if you can
it will be my next purchase, in a few days
thank you
I would loop one audio instead of creating bigger playlist. The Attract Wealth, prosperity and Abudance audio work well for me
In addition to all the above recommendations, maybe u can experiment with this too
https://spiritualityzone.com/desired-job-promotion-protocol/ download mp3 link
Or YouTube https://youtu.be/e8l7Cu9iDlw
I guess this should be heard not in the same stack with Sapien tracks, right?
Not sure, what I usually do is put something neutral like subconscious limits dissolver in between
I really don’t think it matters tho if all of them points towards same goal/desire
Well, actually I chosen this stack:
- Ego Dissolution x1
- Subconscious Limit Dissolver x1
- The Torsion Field x1
- The Plasma Light x1
- Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance x 1
- Abundance Mindset x1
- Hand of Glory x1
- Redefined Ojas x1
- The Chariot or The Unbreakable x1
- Angelic Intercession x1
- Automated Grounding x1
This order is correct?
thank you
Well, if that’s what you want following your inner guide then yes
I don’t know if he is really my guide, but he inspires me, the only doubt perhaps are the many different fields. If you have any other tips, reviews and so on, it’s welcome.
Thanks for now
@Fender_Cad i already told you. Lol
Tell me why you think adding this would help your job/money goals, maybe you have a different perspective to approach your goals.