Just had some Deep fried food and i felt low like a little mind dullness. I never felt that and thought about about it. May be VOD and VOC are doing something in this regard. Whats your thoughts on this ?
I became extra careful with what I was putting into my body once I started Vibration audio. Even the toothpaste. Had to change it because it gave me a terrible feeling.
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Means vibrations series forces you to do good things only and if you dont it’ll make it happen anyway ?
Not really. Maybe, my subconscious was trying to maintain the higher vibration by makinggood choice. But almost all of the fields of Dream don’t force you to change if you really don’t want to.
Play DreamSeeds “Food Charger and Enhancer” X1 to your food, then 30 min. after eating play Sapien Medicine “Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorbtion” 1X. I do this for both me and my cat. TMI I have noticed a change in me and my cats feces since doing this every day.