Kala Bhairava - Group NFT

Lord Shiva in Indian culture is worshipped in various forms. Just like Kali is the fiercest form of Parvati, Kala Bhairava is the most fearful manifestation of Shiva. In certain subsects of Hinduism, he is equaled to the entire Universe and the most important deity in the Tantric sect. Kala Bhairava is considered to be the ultimate judge of souls and even Yama cannot interfere in his decisions. Kala Bhairava has a pitch-black complexion with protruding teeth. He is seen with a black dog who is considered to be his mount. He is also known as Khestrapala or the protector or guardian of the cosmos. Some scriptures mention him to be the son of Shiva. There are different legends regarding his origin.

Think of Kala Bhairava as the Archetype of Time. He is believed to quicken goal manifestation because of his infinite understanding of the nature of time. He is said to help with time management.

“Bhairava means the principle of creation, maintenance, and dissolution. He is the totality of time – the beginning, the middle, and the end. Bhairava is Shiva himself, who gives the supreme understanding of all possibilities of human consciousness. It is related to time because the faster time moves, the faster the mind moves. It should be incredibly fast, and Bhairava instantly manifests things for you.”
— Dr. Pillai

audio + mandala



There are various forms of Shiva as Bhairava. Vatuka Bhairava the granter of results, Svacchanda Bhairava the granter of liberation from an endless cycle of life & death (samsara), Krodha Bhairava, the destroyer of evil entities, Ananda Bhairava, the personification of the bliss of the realized self, and so on. Shiva has two aspects related to time and its transcendence. As Kala Bhairava, he represents the aspect of mastery over time. As Mahakala, the consort of Kali, he represents the transcendence of time. Kali represents the source, a time where time did not exist, even as a concept, aka a domain before/after creation where everything is dissolved into nothingness.

Kala Bhairava is associated with the city of Kashi, one of the oldest surviving cities in the world. A lot of devout Hindus spend their last days in Kashi because it is believed that Shiva, during the time of death, instructs one into the pure mantra or OM - which, when realized conceptually and energetically, grants instant freedom from the cycle of life and death. Kala Bhairava is the gatekeeper of Kashi, which metaphorically means he is the gatekeeper to self-realization aka the state of Shivahood.

We talk of Karma and how every action has a reaction. There are lessons to learn, karmic debts to clear, and so on. Kala Bhairava speeds up this whole cycle. For example, there was once a person who was practicing a certain mantra and did not attain success. He reached Kashi and slept outside the shrine of Kalabhairava. Seven days in a row, he had nightmares and he attained success in his pursuit on the eighth day. It is said that Kala Bhairava speeds up the karmic lessons (this man was to suffer for seven decades owing to various reasons, and his burden was over in seven sights of nightmares) due to his mastery over time. In our lineage, we recite the Kala Bhairava mantra before and after other mantras as this multiplies and speeds up the results in a big way (and this applies to not just mantras, but all other aspects of life).

Kala Bhairava is also the fierce protective aspect of Shiva, who controls all the entities of spirit and nether worlds. No evil entity can bother someone who has Kala Bhairavas’s protection. It is not easy to approach Kala Bhairava through rituals and mantras and his energy is extremely fierce and not everyone can manage it. Thanks to Dream, we now have an accessible form of this magnificent energy :pray:


Original image:

Beautiful artwork


If you have Kala Bhairava (and/or Kali) is Shielding 3.0 or Cloak of the Shadow still needed?


So blessed to have been a part of this group!

Thanks for sharing that @Maoshan_Wanderer !


It goes back to the same question - general vs specific. Really depends on what people are looking for and their specific needs.

Is a healthy diet and exercise good? Certainly.

Do targeted cancer treatments in addition to a healthy diet help those suffering from cancer? Absolutely.

Kali and Kala Bhairava, if you are able to tune into their energies well, are pretty good and foolproof for protection.


Which one if you don’t mind sharing? This one draws me in:


This is good. I am not permitted to reveal the mantra unfortunately without the protocol of Shaktipat associated.

A note on the mantra here.

In India, there are two traditions - Vedic and Tantric. Both are ancient, parallel, and mostly complimentary to each other, with both borrowing from each other. While the Vedic lore was preserved with extreme purity avoiding any changes to the transmission, Tantric traditions considered themselves as active, living, growing schools and kept innovating and adding stuff. At times, these two schools were antagonistic to each other where the orthodoxy preferred the Veda while others preferred Tantra, depending mainly on the political wind of the day.

There was originally only one Gayatri mantra - the famous one - which invokes Savita or the Sun, who is visualized as the Supreme Being in Rigveda. This crown jewel mantra of the Veda is recited slightly differently based on which of the four schools of Veda one belongs. It is traditionally passed on from father to son. A great saint says that the spiritual accomplishments of the recent generations of practicing Hindus have dropped because (a) People do not practice Gayatri (b) The process of initiation, which is key to unlocking the power of mantra coming from an unbroken lineage has lost power - most fathers lack the spiritual energy and hence the mantra they pass on to their children also lacks power.

Now, Tantric groups, owing to political compulsions, wanted to gain acceptance from mainstream society. So, the culture of assimilation started where “Tantric Gayatri” mantras began to be formulated (associating with Gayatri, the core of the Vedic school, was imagined to grant Vedic status to these deities). These schools took the basic format of the original Gayatri, adapted it to their chosen deity (in this Kala Bhairava), and formulated these mantras. If one looks at scriptures, most of these mantras are not in any of the mainstream Tantra scriptures but are mostly popular from colloquial use.

In our school, other than the main Gayatri mantra, we don’t really pay much heed to the “Tantric Gayatri” mantras, and use only the actual mantras of the deity. For example:

The main mantra of Shiva is: oṃ namaḥ śivāya ||
His Gayatri is: oṃ tatpuruṣāya vidmahē - mahādēvāya dhīmahi - tannō rudraḥ pracōdayāt ||

While some schools recite the second mantra, most serious Tantric schools reject the latter as a latter addition and stick only with the original set of mantras associated with the deity. That said, it is still possible to connect to the deity using the latter by merit of focus/attention, and also probably because these mantras have developed some power due to faith and practice over hundreds of years.


@Maoshan_Wanderer send me a PM if you’re interested in Mahakala. We’re going to do that as well with Dream and would love to include you :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the detailed response brother! Always learning new valuable things from your posts.


Hi there @pranic_climber , sorry I’m not able to private message you , so am here . If you ever embark on an audio+mandala based NFT of Lord Murugan ( a.k.a Lord Karthikeya) son of God Shiva and Goddess Shakti, would love to be part of it , kindly do include me ,thanks :pray:t5: :blush:


This looks amazing! If there are any future projects around Vishnu or Krishna and Rama I would like to be a part of the group if possible!


I’m really interested in this!! Can I be part of it?

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@abro This project has already been made! This is the testimonial thread


is that the same as the “mahakaal” regarded in Gurbani? @45stars
Did some browsing but in terms of the way I’m referring all this to, there’s not much

Edit: nevermind, got it:
Mahakaal is kala bhairavi, yes
but akaal, no (since akaal encompasses ajooni & saibhang)

Anyways ,
A very humbling project indeed :)


If someone is undergoing a very difficult time already, will adding Kaala Bhairava’s energies lead to something like worsening of the situation or death ?


Hi if there’s still room in the second group, i would join.

I wasn’t part of this group, but the first instance i saw the image and i tried to pronounce the name (probably didn’t do it right), i felt an immediate strong presence. And mind you, I’m not even an owner of this.


Yeah good question…I’ll admit I’m a little intimidated to surrender to Kaala…


Meaning akal is mahakal’s kaal?
Can we PM instead ; i cant find our pms :)))

Also thanks for this group btw I would have never realized Kalima had a counterpart @group
Thanks :’)

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Kala Bhairava is the protector. He will do no harm.