Kidney and Adrenal Healing VS kidney regeneration

What is the difference between these two fields? Is it really worth using both? Or does the recent version only do the same thing as the old version? What would be the differences?


Quite different actually. First, one targets adrenals, while another one is just for kidney health
Secondly, from their descriptions:

Kidney Regeneration: From the description stimulate the Wnt-beta-catenin signaling pathway in your kidneys which helps begin the process of renal regeneration.

Kidney & Adrenal: ***repairing and regenerating your kidneys and adernals. ***
scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat buildup.
Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair.
Also the anti bacteria and anti fungus fields are placed to help with infections.
Finally the general energy around the is cleaned an refreshed with a little bit of restorative jing.
2 - 3 times a day

I would use both to be honest, since one just focus on a particular pathway for the rejuvenation/regeneration.



Personally the new kidney field is EXTREMELY POWERFUL, my kidneys have took so much damage but now they’re almost healthy and perfect, everything is balanced again, even tho he says not to loop it, I keep it on loop, and tbh it feels great


I am so happy you are healing :hugs:


:) god bless Luna and all others

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Btw guys, the Plasma light is SOOOOO underrated for kidney problems, I suggest all of you try it out, feels wonderful, balances blood sugar too…!!!


I was literally going to ask about looping the kidney audios and the adrenal audios because of how severe my condition is. Can you tell me which ones exactly you looped? I was given 6 bags of iv antibiotics and I think they did a number on my kidneys and I am trying to help them as I am so sick from the effects.

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Use plasma light and then kidney on loop and then klotho 3 times and plasma back on loop

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Thank you. I was advised by some to be cautious when starting with the plasma as it could be very very strong. Curious your experience in the beginning?

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It is but trust me it’s not that bad

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Bro also the kidney regeneration works really well when played via speaker, phone speaker near yourself


Ok so that was one person’s experience.

It’s up to you whether you listen to the official recommendation and the warnings from several members or the testimony of a handful of people saying it’s not that bad.
You lose nothing by starting out slow and increasing the load, while you can get unwell by doing the opposite.
For me starting slow is a no brainer.

Same for looping, there is a recommendation FROM THE CAPTAIN, yes sure you can go against it if you know betterand it’s also okay to write about the experience here… but maybe don’t encourage people who are just starting out to do the same.


Now that you say it, both combined work extremely well, the kidney REGENERATION and New kidney and adrenal

there are two kidney videos, which one is better?

Kidney and Adrenal Healing (feat. Vakkuum) (Morphic Field Programming)


Kidney Regeneration (Energetically Programmed Audio)

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It depends upon your circumstances and goals.

Each field uses different mechanisms. They would work well in combination also.

Kidney and Adrenal Healing removes scar tissue and fat buildup from the kidneys and adrenals, includes anti-bacteria and anti-fungus subfields to help with infections, refreshes the area with a bit of restorative jing and directs induced stem cell production along damaged areas.

Kidney Regeneration stimulates the ‘Wnt-beta-catenin’ signalling pathway in the kidneys to begin the process of kidney regeneration.


I want to heal it


It depends upon what requires healing but you might try Kidney and Adrenal Healing for most circumstances, and both fields if more kidney regeneration might be of help. :slight_smile:


Everyone is hyping this field but I still can’t figure what it do


read the plasma thread, it explains pretty clearly what the plasma light’s potential is