Here is an enhanced specialized fields set, that focuses on the kidney, adrenals and bladder.
Has Kidney and Adrenal Healing (feat. Vakkuum) (Morphic Field Programming) - YouTube
The programming here is designed to work on repairing and regenerating your kidneys and adrenals. scar tissue is also removed via apoptosis along with fat buildup. Induced Stem cells are made via existing cells, along damaged areas to help with repair. Also the anti bacteria and anti fungus fields are placed to help with infections. Finally the general energy around the is cleaned an refreshed with a little bit of restorative jing.
In addition
Cells are charged to -30 millivolts
increased oxygen absorption to all areas mentioned
cholesterol, plaque and clot removal.
May help with kidney stones as well.
Finally a combination and antioxidants and inflammation reducers is also added to the field set.
Use as needed.