Knowing how long is long enough

Hello beautiful souls. I hope you’re having a wonderful day.

My question relates to length of field usage.
After messing about with various fields for quite a while, I’ve finally managed to put together a consistent playlist which I have listened to consistently for about the past 3 weeks to a month now.

Confidence x2
Become whole x2
Childlike wonder x2
Wealth x1
OJAS x1 (sometimes twice)
Positive power waves x2
Self love and and acceptance x1
Self respect x2
Charisma and glamour x1
Gynecomastia x2

Now, I find that that if I add any more to the playlist then it is too much and I can feel overwhelmed but there are a few tracks I’d like to chuck in the mix, mainly ones that can help with depression and loneliness (any suggestions welcome), but obviously I would need to take some out… I can definitely feel a change in my being after listening to these fields consistently, my interactions at work have become better and with friends but how do I know if the effects will wear off when I take out the fields and add in new ones? Is it just a case of bringing in some new ones and then bringing the old ones back in again in a few weeks? Or is it more effective to stick with the current playlist a bit longer? Compounding effects?


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You try it and see what happens for you. You only have one field there that’s for a permanent physical change and those are the one where are most affected by an interruption in listening. And IIRC, that one field/issue is a fairly important concern of yours. Not only is it important for you, but it’s also an obvious physical change. When it’s accomplished, it’s accomplished. IOW, when you see your steady resolution of that condition, you know you can stop that field.

All the others, there’s no real “harm” if you swap one of them out at the end of a month’s use, because if you decide afterwards that you want support in that area, you can add back in your old field.

With these goals, I’d’ve healed this from the get-go, putting things like C&G on the backburner, because when you’re struggling with depression or the neediness that comes from loneliness, those conditions are going to upstage any charisma and glamor (or childlike wonder) that a field can provide.

IMHO, it’s more productive to heal oneself first and then from that healed, clean slate, start adding desired qualities.

No one of can responsibly answer that for you because you haven’t told us anything about your results from your current fields. (I hestitate to call it a “playlist” or a “stack” because I’m missing a cohesive focus among your fields. That’s not a criticism. It’s just something I’m not seeing. You may want to check out the How to Create Great Stacks thread so you can optimize your selection and structure of your fields going forward so you can get more synergy from your fields.)


That makes a lot of sense. I need to get to the root of the problem first before working on the surface stuff. The dense emotions I feel, feel deepseated. To give you a little of my backstory, I used to be very sociable and outgoing and have a great social life which all changed within a matter of weeks. I went from feeling amazing to feeling like I’d had the life knocked out of me, severe anxiety which led to me becoming a recluse and focusing all of my energy in to becoming a professional poker player online. I hid from the world, communication with friends became less and less to the point where I hardly speak to any of my old friendship circle. 10 years this has gone on now age 34. I have recently rediscovered a passion for tennis and am making friends there at my local club so I’m making progress, it just feels very slow. I still have this shadow lurking in the back of my mind telling me bad things about myself, constant intrusive thoughts etc.
I had a pretty traumatic childhood which is probably where it all stems from, violent, neglectful and critical dad etc. etc. Also pondered whether I could have negative entities attached to me…?
So really I just want to be able to let go of the last 10 years which has been a very large % anxiety and depression and recreate those feel good feelings I was able to feel when I actually had a life…

So with that in mind, are there any fields you think would suit or should I just go and experiment? Thanks!

I said something slightly different. I recommended that you do your healing first. Now, if your journey to your healing involves getting to the root of the problem, that’s fine. That’s a valid way to go about things and many people have found a lot of healing in that way. Is that the only way to heal? No. And the important part of my reply (I think) was the healing–regardless of whether you do a deep archeological excavation or some other method.

Great. So that probably means at that time, you had plenty of Charisma and Glamor and maybe even some Childlike Wonder and those don’t go away. What actually happens is that we allow our pain to upstage these talents so that, for whatever your reason, it is no longer safe, right and good for you to be this way that you are and do these skills that you have. And the good news is, when you heal whatever your pain is, you’ll go back doing these skills that you already have, you see?

Where’s your field(s) to heal that? That’s where I’d start, because that’s going to affect your life, no matter what form it takes. It’s going to affect your life–for the better–whether you continue to (for the time being) stay inside and follow your passion or whether you venture out to discover new passions you have.

Does this awareness help your healing efforts? Or get in the way of the healing you’re wanting?

I mean, it sounds like you probably didn’t like when your dad was critical of you. Is it any better when you do that to yourself?

Don’t you want to heal these things? What fields in your current playlist do you think are healing these things?

And here, too. What fields in your playlist do you think are helping to heal this?

It’s easier to blame “entities” even when we’re the ones tormenting ourselves.

Which do you think is easier for you to heal? “Entities” that you’re not sure of (and how will you know if/when you’ve gotten rid of them)? Or sh*t you do to yourself?

Sounds like good places to begin your healing. Do any of your current fields address or heal these conditions?

I’d recommend that you go and research. That search function will find a bunch of options for you to address each of the conditions I’ve highlighted here in my reply. As you do your research, you can ask more in-depth questions which will allow you to decide which fields would be right for you.


Ok so after a bit of tinkering, new playlist should look something like this -

SLR x1
All purpose anxiety removal x1
Depression x1
Amygdala healing x1
Confidence x2
Become whole x2
Self love x1
Archetype of parental love x2
Self respect x2
Five elements balanced x1
Gynecomastia x2

Does this sound good? Also, do you think it would helpful for me to loop this playlist overnight? (except gynecomastia for hormonal reasons, or OJAS as that is not recommended more than 2-3 times). At the moment, I just play the list it once per day

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Since you’re struggling with your stack (even after, presumably, reading the thread I linked to you) maybe you’d find the Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks thread more helpful to you.

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Gynecomastia field from Sapien doesn’t mess with hormones - only messes with the tissue. Still not a great idea to go above the recommended limit tho.

You’ll get ur results eventually, trust me.

Take care!

Edit: Also do not listen to any field overnight (just my recommendation, get some quality sound-free sleeps trust me on this one).

Make it a habit of listening to them once in the morning and once at night.

And also do not stress with results - act/imagine like you already got rid of your gyno for example and the gyno field will work more efficently.

Obviously do some physical stuff too to boost the removal process (doing different kinds of pushups eg diamond which hits the tissue well).

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