Lack of genuine care and love

The Inner Pillar of Power, inner reflected beauty outwards (as mandala 24//7) and self-realization series


Hi, @BeHappy! welcome pink white heart


If you’re up for paid fields then go for entwining world of beauty and joy

You can use delta brainwave from gumroad too. Might sound strange but it can increase compassion in a person.

Unconditional you from YouTube in energetic alchemy ( can be replaced by vibration of divine love which is even better)

Heart chakra audio from gumraod.



Oh yes, forgot that one.


I’d like to add to explore a few loops or more of this as well


What has been working for me (still is progress) is the Energy Awakening Course:

I too felt that I lacked a deep connection to other people. Not that I didn’t care, just that I didn’t feel strong emotions. I don’t know, or actually care, what caused this, but found that becoming more aware of energy made me feel more emotion. Also, because of some of the work I’m doing, I now have a sense of always feeling safe, no matter what happens. I think this allows me to acknowledge my feeling more.
Conceptual Realizations would help with that.
Clearing and balancing your sacral chakra might also help you “feel your feelings”.
Energy Blockage Removal - YouTube
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning - YouTube

But I think it’s most important to love yourself. There are several fields to help with that but you can start here:

Hope you find something of benefit and welcome to the forum!


I believe Entwining Worlds of Beauty & Joy and the Joy audio on its own will be of great benefit to you.


Do you feel like anyone loves you?

It’s interesting that the people you want to love most are not those that love you, but those whom you know and whom “care about you”. Yes, I’m reading into things. Warrantedly or unwarrantedly you can decide. Only you can know.

Did you perhaps word things this way because you cannot think of anyone more deserving of your love than those who you know and who care about you; meaning those who love you are not even on the list of a type of person you truly believe exists? Or truly feel exists.

I think it’s very hard not to feel love towards those that we feel love us.

I think it’s very hard to feel love for those that we feel do not love us.

I think it’s very hard to feel love at all for anyone if we do not feel anyone has love for us.

Even in your reaching for something better and beyond the employee relationship as you described it, you used the term “care about” which could be a way of speaking about love. But it could also be an accurate way of describing a business relationship. Of course you “care about” your employees. You have a vested interest in them.

Do you know anyone who is happy to see you happy? And who doesn’t mind letting you be yourself, who doesn’t try to tell you who you are? And who is honest with you? These are the 3 key points in defining love, I believe. If someone doesn’t fit these 3 criteria, they are likely using you as a way to manage their own state. i.e. to feel better about themselves by getting you to play a role. To feel superior in some way. Love seeks equality and believes in equality. Lovelessness only sees superiors and inferiors.

There are inferiors and superiors in intellect, in wealth, in hierarchy, but not in human worth. Not in actual personhood.


Paging doctor Phil… ahem… I mean @Atreides :muscle:


Thank you everyone for trying to help me out, I appreciate all of you.

I can’t afford any paid fields so I’ve been using the Point of No Return stack and soon I’ll begin with the Self-realization series.

I once tried the Archetype of Parental Love with the intention of looping it few times but just one play saddened me so much that I had to stop.

Thank you once again for your recommendations.


Hello Atreides, I used the word “care” because I’ve felt that there are people who care about me and want good for me. Now, whether the care is out of love or for their own benefit, that doesn’t matter to me. I feel that I should also care about them and I want this feeling to be borne out of unconditional love which I’m currently lacking.

I didn’t use the word “love” because I don’t think I’ve ever felt loved. I was thinking that I might be making a mistake here by differentiating between love and care, but after reading your 3 key points in defining love, I can say that I’ve never felt love.

And as you mentioned that, it’s very hard to feel love for those that we feel do not love us, I agree and this is the thing which I wanna change.


This may be because you are surfacing and releasing whatever emotions/blockages are preventing you from feeling love(d). I recommend you try to go back to it


What might be going on here is that you’ve experienced a deep trauma at some point in your life, and from that moment on, to protect yourself from emotions and feelings, disconnected yourself from them and by this also from other humans.

Traumas are one of the main reasons for self-sabotaging behavior.

The solution would be to work on trauma release.

Additionaly to what has already been recommended above:

plus, “PTSD Help” field from Patreon

plus, The Crucible of Stored Trauma


Hi fi @Maoshan_Wanderer !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: You made yourself miss here dear brother!!!


Need mao’s influence right now


Hey friends, how is everyone doing? Sorry now that we are back to work 100%, not been here much haha… Also took a nice long vacation in Italy before Omicron struck lol…

Looking forward to Xmas!


Your love and presence has been very much missed, @Maoshan_Wanderer :purple_heart:

Glad you took some time off to relax.


Hooray for you and us as you are back in our midst. :slight_smile: