Large intestine colon spasm (Jump) / Flat feet bow legs imbalanced hips

Hello everyone,

May i please ask for advises?

I have large intestine colon spasm (i think that is the term). Part of my left lower large intestine (near the left hip bone), will jump involuntary. It does not occur often. If i put pressure around that area, it will jump for sure. Without pressure, it would jump occasionally. Doctors cannot figure out why and no medicine for that. Chinese acupuncture does not help too. I know Sapien Medicine has a track for Intestine Healing and Regeneration, but it is only for wound or scar. I am not sure is my intestine jump related to wound, or maybe parasite? Any suggestion and track?

My next question is that I have flat feet, plus a serious sprained ankle when i was in highschool. My left ankle is significantly pushed inward, compared to my right ankle. My legs are deformed into bow legs legs curved inward), and my hips and backbone are a bit imbalance now. what tracks would be the best for this case?

Thank you for your time!!!


Have you looking into Orthotic Shoe Insoles for Flat Feet - The best solution for the issue of flat feet is a pair of orthotic-insoles they provide arch support for flat feet and stabilise the heel. This stops any inward rolling of the foot and so will also prevent the excessive strain on the knees, hips, and lower back that can be experienced.

Stretching flat feet exercises – these can also be hugely beneficial for those who suffer from flat feet pain. Many people with Flat Feet also suffer from shortened Achilles Tendons. Flat feet exercises to stretch this tendon can help. You can view stretching videos here.

Audios for Flat Fleet I think these should help, the lack of Vitamin D for the knee misalignment that turns your knees inward ( genu valgum )

Automated Calves and Feet Muscle Workout with Joint strengthening

Joint Regeneration (Morphic/Energetically Programmed Audio)

Vitamin D Production


Hi @Mucc,

Also try the Plasma Light field following the guidelines below, as many times the causes of an issue are complex and interwoven and this field will address all of them! :smiley:

It may possibly be related to vagus nerve function in some way, but this field and the guidelines below are always the best starting point for any issues, to which other, more specific fields can be added if needed.


Thank you. The vit d is good. I work in an office and in Canada sunlight is only available for short period of time. I have deficiency in that.

As for flat feet, I have those orthotic soles into the shoes…but not much help becasue my ankles will tilt to adjust with the sole. Tried a few and custom made one

I will give the exercise a try. Maybe that could help.

Thanks for the suggestion!


Thank you. Plasma is the new focus in dreams work. Yes I have used the plasma flower and the plasma light. Thank you and I will use them more often and see whether there would be a positive change soon! Thamks

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