Le Maître du Jeux

Yes, and the “specific skills” that are gained from this one are amazing.

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I bet. Any example how you used this skill in your day to day Environment? Or how it seemed to be helpful lets say

I dont think that i will buy this at the moment. Interested in building the “brain basics” at first. Just got the Manhattan Method (my first brain field) after reading though the thread and your great feedbacks of course. Just interested how these next gen fields work since they are so specific and seem to be giving extraordinary skills.

Some of the brainiacs want to create new branches of math and science, or perhaps adding contributions to already existing domains.

Some of us desire financial success (IQ is one of the highest predictors of financial success. Other ones being discipline, stress tolerance, creativity, thoughtful and careful planning, etc. Which are also brain dominated categories.)

Some of us want to make better music, become better artists, etc.

Whatever the mind can think of.


Well, Individual as always but yeah, i get it. Increasing the cognitive capatities might never be a bad idea.

Not trying to steer this thread in another direction, but its actually crazy that we can enhance ourselves in this Kind of manner just by listening to fields. Been using these for about 6 years and im still grateful for everything cap has done for us.


I feel like to fully grasp what capabilities this field has one must experience “the skill” himself. I feel like it is even more powerful than what comes to mind when reading the description.

Also guys you are free to Tell me when im talking or asking too much in this thread. Dont want to disturb anything.

It makes you an ultimate strategist. You percieve information, people, their thought patterns and potential in your daily endeavours, and it helps you understand how to make efficient plans, while evaluating risk and searching for maximum gain simultaneously.

The specific abilities are in a great quantity.

It’s not just 1 or 2 thought processes. It’s much more “complex” than manhattan method. There are higher forms of information being decoded here.

I was speaking with someone who desired to enter business with me. After a short convo, I realized I already had a few different plans for how I could go about it. I saw his specializations for the niche we could choose. I saw his charisma level to determine if he’s be fit for sales calls or purely account management. I noticed his level of experience within marketing itself and content creation and how beneficial it might be, etc.

The thing is, these are automated abilities. So while you’re sitting there listening, your brain is processing large scale algorithms to aim for maximum growth and gain. It helps you narrow down bad options, and bad partnerships.

It’s a time and money saver in my eyes.


Not gonna lie that sounds f*cking crazy!

Like dangerously crazy

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Who are you bro😂 like wtf😂


Dawg. That’s why it’s my favorite or 2nd behind Koritsudo.

Just imagine a strategy building blueprint placed in your mind, at a psychic level.

You’d win, a lot, and it wouldn’t be difficult.

I thank dream and dr. Manhattan for the opportunities. We can all have these abilities if we do the brain grind for awhile.



Now this might be a dumb and personal question.

You have these abilities and so on. But are you physically healthy? Are your testosterone levels good? Are you fit? If yes do you think you would be able to do these Business Meetings without being physically fit and strong? Or do you think that these brain fields are enough? What is the correlation between physical fitness so to say and intelligence in terms of success Overall you could say but in terms of financial success to be more specific.

English is not my native language so i hope you get what im saying here. Also i know its Kind of Personal so you dont have to answer of course

Let’s move this convo to the brain guild discussion thread. That way we don’t clog it up, but I’ll answer.

Alright man

Do you still have to learn Game Theories when you have this?

It’s always good to learn new things, but this field itself doesn’t require anything other than the wiring it provides to be effective.