Ley Line Node Point

Complete Absolute nonsense. Please stop.


Then tell me why it is absurd.

You have no idea how SM creates his fields and the safety precautions he places in them.
Just stop already.


So just say it clearly and thatā€™s it, simple.

Dude. Stop. Seriously. Iā€™m being nice but my patience with you is running thin.


I just had a question, you clarified it, ok, youā€™re right, but why should I know that in the first place? I just raised a question, I didnā€™t claim to be right, exactly, man, I donā€™t know how sapiens creates their fields, if you know congratulations, thatā€™s not how to take a personā€™s doubt, you could just be clear in your statement right at the I start instead of being super upset just because someone questions the sapiensā€™ work and you want to pay wisely, Iā€™m questioning precisely because I donā€™t understand, unlike you who seem to have personal contact with him, instead of saying just stop, because soon Didnā€™t you say in the first answer that he thinks about everything before creating the fields? Ready solves everything, already kills the problem, you are problematizing things here, and what will you do if you lose your patience? Ban me from the forum? Do it if you want, yes, because I had a question.

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Again with this bullshit.
You did NOT raise a question.
You made a declarative statement.
Like last time, itā€™s RIGHT THERE ABOVE for everyone to see.

Thatā€™s not a question, in any language.
AND itā€™s completely false.
Do you have the audio yet?
Has this happened to you?
What makes you think it would happen to you?
(Notice the above are questionsā€¦not statements)

Again, you didnā€™t question.
You made a shitty comment and then deep down inside, KNEW you made a shitty comment as you tried to hedge your bets by saying ā€œ, I am not saying to be paranoidā€

A QUESTION would have been.
ā€œDo I need to worry about attracting any negative beings from playing this audio?ā€
and the answer from a MULTITUDE of people would have been
ā€œNo. I never had any issues playing Sapienā€™s stuff and attracting negative spiritsā€¦not onceā€¦ in 10/5/3/1
or something similar.

Nope, nice try.
I ignore the 99% of you other posts exactly like the one above where you state things with bad information like they are truth but Iā€™m not playing this game with you fear-mongering on Sapienā€™s video as if you KNOW anything about them.
Again, do you own the audio already??
Experienced any negative side effects??
Yes, or no?
Answer before you think of something else to say in the next postā€¦

Iā€™m doing it right now ;) and itā€™s going to STICK with you for a very, very long time.
Trust me! :wink:

I hate all kinds of disinformation but this kind is the worse.
Again, youā€™re fear-mongering so you can look important like you "knowā€™ something about these fields
Instead, it makes you look ignorant as most of the people on these forums have been using Sapienā€™s stuff MUCH longer than you and KNOW that they are safe and that DW places all kinds of protections into them to prevent negative side effects.

So NOW, you should KNOW this too and we wonā€™t have any more
ā€œI just made a statementā€¦errā€¦questionā€¦errā€¦ something about the video I havenā€™t bought but ā€¦ i know all about alreadyā€ type comments, right?


Calm down gentlemen , Letā€™s mantain the positivity here :smiley:

Something I read sometime ago : Many people believe that a grid of earth energies circles the globe, connecting important and sacred sites such as Stonehenge, the Egyptian Pyramids, and the Great Wall of China.

If you plot these and other sites on a map, a curious thing becomes apparent: Many of them can be connected by straight lines. Were these monuments and sacred sites specifically built at those locations by ancient people with lost knowledge of unknown earth energies especially strong along these ā€œley linesā€?

PS - @Dreamweaver is a man on a mission :100: . Every day of November feels like Christmas :christmas_tree::heart:


I must say @_OM your throat chakra is :sweat_smile:.


I gave 3 tries to chill out and leave it aloneā€¦but ā€¦ :man_shrugging:


Nah man, I admire that. Hold nothing back, at the same time respectful.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :100: :boom:

Calm down :D unfortunately thatā€™s how the internet raised him. The fastest way to get an answer to your question is to take the opposite of what you think is true and than act like itā€™s the truth ā€¦ trigger alert

Although I do think this forum is an exception of this rule :upside_down_face:


:clap::clap: definitely.

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I think yes

Yes, sorry for disagreeing with the god of the forum.


Dude , just leave it. Just say youā€™re sorry and try to make it better next time. Otherwise youā€™re only gonna make it worse ā€¦

No, I wonā€™t say, you just donā€™t understand my point here, itā€™s not about being right or wrong, I was wrong in my assumption, but I never made a mistake in the way I expressed myself, am I obliged to know everything? I donā€™t know sapiens, I donā€™t know how he creates his fields, does anyone other than moderators and very few other people know? Virtually no one, it is obvious that doubts and theories will arise, it is enough to simply respond politely instead of playing the smart guy. Rather than explaining something to me that Iā€™m possibly getting it wrong, tell someone to just stop? Is that how it is? I thought that this forum was to share knowledge and evolve. But itā€™s about people with big ego, but it doesnā€™t matter, this is just the opinion of the guy with victim syndrome, say what you want, I donā€™t care anymore, itā€™s over for me here.


You bet it will, see it as turbo charging your transformer :wink:


So i guess flat earthers canā€™t use this? :laughing: