Libido and attractiveness for women

To circulate, probably “Automated Micro Cosmic Orbit”.

But that is only one cycle…which helps if all you need is to not get root chakra congested.

You ideally want to have some control of how you circulate it because the audio doesn’t allow you to move the energy to your legs or face or eyes.


Thank you very much for your explanations.

Which field or active practice would your recommend to achieve thise?
Just visualize and guide the energy from the inside into the aura?
If I do so, how long will it stay there?

I’m not sure if there’s a field for it yet.
You can msg me for the practice.

Through my method, you directly control the energy without needing visualization. Though at first, we do use visualization.

When you project it, it will probably take some hours to wear off. For me, 4-6 hours.

The secret is as you walk about your life, you want to “seek out” and enjoy interacting with other people’s sexual energy. This feedback feeds into you and keep it constant, so the effect keeps continuing without wearing off.

(Seeking out does not mean be needy. It’s like walking through a party of people and preferring…and putting the intention to engage people who shows interest in you, flirt with you, talk with you and engage people who you find attractive.)


Hi Bro @RisingKundaFest.
Back then How did you line up your playlist and how many times did you play each field to fully maximise the prolongs and efficacy of utilising the sexual energy for Life-Force ,Physical Health benefits, and projection for attraction/abundance?

I’ve also got Blueprint of Life , Abundance mindset , Acu-automation and Ojas marrowed as well as fields like Knight mindset, Soul Core Restoration, and Negenthropic Jing which you’ve mentioned with your experiences above . How would you set the fields in accordance ?
Appreciate your insights :slight_smile:, thanks :pray:t5:

SZ had a sexual attraction audio that built up the sexual energy in your body as an attractive force. That may be of interest.

“It will charge your aura with powerful sexual magnetism, and a desirability you, yourself have never known before.”


Can I get the link to negentropic jing?

And for attraction just check out quadible integrity audios
They are well


Just use the search function for it, it’s always liked in the topic in the first post.

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Thanks for the reminder on this one.
I realized I already purchased it a few weeks ago but didn’t yet tested much :hugs:


Interesting, which channel and audio do you mean exactly ? :slightly_smiling_face:

See private message.