Life goals

So, what I learned is that the most effective way is not going for the stacks you want, right away. But the stacks that you need

And the ones most people, almost everyone, needs in the beginning for some period, are not very fun stacks. But very, very rewarding long term.

I strongly suggest you head over to @JAAJ 's self love stack. You don’t have to run exactly that, but it is in that order for a good reason as he explained in the thread (Trauma first, self love and positivity after). You can also reduce some if it’s too heavy at first, like the 4x, reduce them to 1-2x and work your way up.

I run a very modified version of it that fits me the best.

If you’re in urgent need of better health / financial improvement, I suggest running half of a self love stack, and then other half being a new stack start (SLR+Ego diss+Ponr etc) and run wealth+abundance+luck or other health fields, like if your liver is shitty, or stomach can’t digest food properly etc.

But, start with that. Then I really recommend Unbreakable and Enigma of the martian Jing due to their low cost versus value they provide. Unbreakable will really get your ass moving with confidence and stop feeling sorry for yourself, it’s a powerful field. Martian jing is great for masculine energy overall.

Your ambition should not be to weigh 80kg - your ambition should be to love yourself now, even while weighing 68 kg. After you succeed with that, you could go after that side goal of gaining some weight.

You will also have MUCH better success with fields and see MUCH better results when you love yourself enough and worked out any and all traumas that might be lingering.