Light Sleeper Advice, Anyone?

Hello! As a light sleeper, the littlest noise and movement often wakes me and well… I was told that spiritual work on the self requires ample (and quality) sleep. Most nights I manage to get roughly 4 hours of straight sleep only… so my waking days are usually lethargic (and is causing some issues within my relationship :laughing:). I’ve tried using audios including The Deep Sleeper, Fast Working Deep Sleep, and other sleep audios to help me rest through the night. The problem still persists and I would really appreciate any advice & stack recommendations <3 Thank youuu


Question Do you need complete silence to sleep?

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use Negentropic jing it will knock you out
or any brain field it will help get proper sleep because it requires that (it will wire your brain to get that state of deep sleep)

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The strange things is I don’t… in fact I find it harder to sleep if it’s too silent :laughing:. I notice the sounds that are consistent in noise pattern for instance air conditioner, air purifier, rain and the like don’t bother me at all. If anything they serve as a security blanket :rofl:. And I guess they don’t bother me because I’m familiar with the noise/pattern they make? But when it comes to unpredictable noises like dogs barking, sudden bangs/objects falling, people snoring/coughing, furniture moving - yep these really do wonders for me :sweat_smile:


im in the same case as you i can hear the drop of water from far in which will not prevent me sleeping. i try not focus on that, but simple noise will distrupt my sleep. im little clairaudient i think that’s why

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My sleep stack right now is:

Emotional release
Automated grounding
A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka
Deep Sleeper
Fast working deep sleep
Utter relaxation and muscle massage looped

It seems I can only sleep with that one and it is the only one that works consistently. But as you see I do a bit of unwinding before looping it.

Actually I’m asleep before it comes so I turn it on with the loop function once I wake up. After that one I have Sweet dreams, for that period of sleeping before I wake up to turn on utter relaxation once again.

I use loud white noise that drowns out all this, but not the fields.


Ahh okay thank youu! I used this audio for a while for my daytime audios but I’ll definitely try this for my nights/new sleep playlist :pray:

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even that drop of water no one in family can hear it, but i was able to hear so i started searching with my mother from where that sound come from i follow it, oh boy it was from far lol, like 5 rooms away.

I was just going to say maybe just regular rain sounds or beach sounds you could play really
loud while you sleep and then you may not hear the disturbing sounds


:sweat_smile: yes I’ve been told to not focus on these random noises but as of now it’s quite challenging… do you think there are other underlying issues that cause one to be a light sleeper? sorry I have very limited knowledge on quite a lot of things :rofl:

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Light sleeper myself. Brain Regeneration helps. Anything that has low “talking” or just low helps-five elements, exorcism, guided meditation. There’s an app called synchronaut. I keep an old iPhone around just to use it, but I think it’s more updated on Android. The isochronic settings allow you to have a nice delta sleep.

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oh woww that really is something… I can’t hear from that far :rofl: the noise disturbance would have to be in the immediate room that i’m in or maximum 2 rooms away, can only imagine what your case is like :pray:

Thank you for this! I’m familiar with most of the audios except for A Taste of Vaikuntha Loka, i’ll definitely give this playlist a try - the emotional release I think will play an important role in my issue as well

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Much appreciated for the app recommendation :pray: I looked it up but it’s not available in my region :disappointed_relieved: I’ll add brain regeneration to my playlist, thank youuu

I’m going to give two possible solutions which I think can assist you so give them a shot and hopefully it works out

  1. Instead of trying to sleep more, you can try to reduce the sleep time required with hyper state sleep

  2. This sleep stack that I copied from @Divine_Lotus and modified a bit for my convenience has been helping me a lot
    Phase 7 - Sapien while sleep - YouTube

  3. Delta lily waves are amazing, they help you sleep so deep, and the biggest plus is you can play them on speaker and they never ever disturb you
    ⚡ Lilly wave Pulsed electromagnetic entrainment - #2 by MUSICMUSICMUSIC

Other actions you can take to further your sleep effectiveness is breathing practices like Pranayam and physical activities that exert you

There is one more suggestion I had that I forgot, I’ll probably edit this post when I remember

Ok just remembered, it was to try polyphasic sleep if you have the time to try it out

Edit: sorry for the reply drift , it’s to the topic creator itself and idk how to remove it

P.s. I accidentally pressed reply to soon and hence the deleted thingy


Oh gosh thank you so much for the wonderful suggestions, friend! At this point i’m willing to try just about anything because well it is of urgency… :sweat_smile: I’ve tried suggestion 1 a couple times before. I took a look at your playlist and it’s great that it has some of the others’ recommendations on there as well! This is the first time i’m hearing about the delta lily waves, will definitely look into it as well as the breathing practices you mentioned :pray: Many thanksss


No issues :), I hope any one of them serves you well, I’ve suffered the whole plethora of sleep issues from insomnia to hypersomnia ( now I’m sleeping normally) so it’s my pleasure to be of help, I hope that if any of these suggestions help you, you assist someone else who requires it (:


I looped the effortless meditation w/o voice the last two nights. Wondrous deep sleep. Good dreams woke me up and I went right back to sleep. I’m not sure I would use if I couldn’t get a full night’s rest, as it might be hard to wake up.

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The thing is that effortless meditation has alpha brainwaves fields in it.

Yeah. It worked for me. Coffee helps people ADD calm done. Lots of paradoxes in Brainland.

I have moved on to Max Heal. Great for sleep—for me, that is.

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