Listen as often as you wish Means?

Some video say, Listen as much as you want so does it mean that audio,field works only when we are listening ?

Like Example Fat to stem cell video

Because i want to use more videos but dont want to get cancelled the effect of previous field, don’t want to be greedy but.

Videos like Alchemy series Jing restoration, Senecent cell, Extreme Muscle growth etc

Please reply :pray::heart::sunrise:

Try it out, if you feel tired then get to know your limit, your energy body could handle a lot more than 5 different morphic fields, try it out and see for yourself

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I am not able to distinguish
Sapien once said Fat to Stem cells works only while listening, so want to know all field which says listen as often as u wish Comes in same category

there’s this thread, but i’m not sure if it has been updated.