Listening 10 characters

I’ve been listening and meditating and to the light of servitor for like 5 months probably longer and I still don’t feel enlightened am I doing something wrong


It is “Light of Savitur”

Is that the meditation you are referring to and hoping to get “enlightened” from?


yes that is the breath one I do with light of savitur


10-min of meditation a day - and enlightenment in 5-months? Not happening for 99% of the people. Assuming those 10-min can even be considered “meditation”, unless every minute of it is immersed in pure awareness.

The audio certainly helps, but come on, 10-min a day, someone probably can’t even learn a language … :roll_eyes: The audio itself is around 11:49 min, so you are like doing one round of even the audio…

First thing - try to see if you are now ready to do two rounds of the audio, and 20-min of meditation. Go at your own pace. Lower the expectations, faster the results. Also, adding Reiki Star exercise is going to benefit your quest.



I do two others aswell mantra wich is 10 and non attachment one for 12 I also continue intill audio is done man I don’t do reki star anymore well I don’t know if I should do it again or not like start it up again aight I’ll see about reki star again ok I’ll see about boosting time

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Lol cats my fAvorite pet josh ,ur a bitch jk lol


How will I know I becoming enlightened

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Wat u mean by pure awareness

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Man thx :wink:


dammm they deleted the audio book

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Just saw this thread.Firstly,if u are serious about enlightement,do the Star exercise.Visit the thread and get informed about benefits.I started doing it 2 days ago,combined with pranayama training and it is just…amazing.U get more energy,u even get high in a different manner than after Wim Hof breathing.
One of the benefits is energy system expansion,meaning u will process audios better,hence better results.

Now I am not enlightened in any way,but from what I know,road to enlightenment isnt RPG game where u progressively level up and can check ur progress.U might have changed dramatically,but couldnt notice because u live with urself daily,so accumulating change is hard to notice.
I will assume u are 17 and love Naruto as I do.I am saying this because maybe ur higher self doesnt want u to become enlightened so fast at such an early age.

Finally I will redirect u to the thread where I describe my recent 3 day trip with University.Imagine being with students around ur age for 3 days in summer time and feeling like a grandpa there,even though u are up for all sorts of fun stuff to be done.The more “woke” u are,the harder it will be to communicate with majority of people who are cemented in this 3D reality,completely opposed to the existence of something else that impacts our lives daily.

Dont get me wrong,I love techno even sober,I smoke weed,I am in no way shape or form a party booper,but this path we are on means there will be some sacrifices.I couldnt go to music festival in my city last year cuz of Covid,and now that is here,sadly,I made a decision to not spend money on it even though I can,because I want to buy a certain field,now imagine explaining this to anyone not familiar with Dream’s work.

TLDR:Instead of asking why am I still not enlightened,try being grateful that u are progressing at a steady pace without ascension symptoms,sleepless nights and fried nervous system.Not fun trust me.Also,I am just giving u my opinion and advice,if I am wrong someone will correct me.


party booper I’m one of those lol, I tried for a while to get samadhi I never got it but I got some good calm states and stuff maybe my higher self didn’t want me to who knows but I recently learned ur already connected to source, yea I’m into Naruto if my suffering let me watch it lol my favorite is saskue, thx for info and stuff and reply loved the reply u made to my post.

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For God sake,plz rewrite this so it makes sense.It is literally one long sentence,just like I would write if I was sky high.


i am srry giv me a bit lol