Listening to fields simultaneously from two speakers?

So in another thread, it is clear that more than one fields cannot be played at the same time or the frequencies will cancel each other out

However, I’m wondering if two fields can be played simultaneously from two different sources (speakers)? Will the two frequencies emitted in the room cancel out each other or would they work together?


I play multiple over one set of speakers. Frequencies are not always important. It is better to listen to one at a time, but you do not have to.

So you play multiple fields simultaneously? Do you still get results from them

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Yes, and yes. The results are stronger if you play them in sequence, generally (but not always).


Thanks. So that I understand you in the right way, because English is not my mother language. you are hearing more than sapien medicine audio at the same time with 2 different speaker or with one speaker?

If with one speaker, how does this work?

@goodboy I’ve been researching about this topic recently. According to the official update FAQ, when two sounds with the same device are played simultaneously, the frequencies will clash. However, two different devices, as stated above, should work fine. I’ve seen some people mention that the two sounds playing together might not be related, but I’m still not clear about these specific details.

Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) - General Discussion - Sapien Medicine (

5. Can you play multiple fields at once with different devices? ( for example SLR field on mobile + another field on ur pc speakers)

Yes this tends to work. We speak of playing two audios at the same time in one device such as a computer as counterintuitive because the frequencies clash as the device plays both at once… disrupting the original sound in its totality. The original sound is what contains the field so in that sense, the field wouldn’t be streaming anymore.```