Listening to Sapien medicine fields and now have low energy?

Hi All,

I have been listening to sapien medicine and feel a decrease in energy levels. My energy levels dropped signifcantly- anyone else have similar experience? I have never felt this low in energy ever …any suggestion as to why this happens.

You’ve probably been listening to too many for your current energy state. Use the Book of Cards and do the Attunement as often as you dare (there is no too often).


What is the book of cards?

What fields have you been listening to? It personally happens to me a lot of times because I like to spam the fields as much as I could take.

You should decrease the times you listen to a field or use fields that give you energy to replenish if it’s just physical (I’m thinking about Chi and environmental energy accumulator).

Also fields like the ones from the course, the vibration series (especially trascendence), soul series and such leave you very tired mentally and emotionally in my experience. Always take breaks if you need.

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Im new to S.M fields so i listened to a few of them (facial symmetry, cardio, exercise ones) and maybe few others like lips and pain relief. Might have overdone it lol. he does recommend 3x listens.

If you spam exercise ones you will definitely feel tired, stick to the recommended because most of those ones can mess with your hormones. I’ve spammed facial symmetry before, didn’t make me tired, but just very sore face. Not sure about the lip one, but I think there’s no limits to the pain relief one so that one shouldn’t be a problem.


Thank you for letting me know. Newbie mistakes :P

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You need to add in some jing and pranayama to the mix

I notice this whenever i plasmafy too much. Though it could be recent lifestyle choices too

This has been a common report in the threads for the Plasma fields. It’s why it’s repeated throughout those threads to take those fields (and any new-to-you field, really) slow so that you can see how your personal physical and energetic bodies react to your new field for you.

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