This uses some of the ideas and concepts in the original
Hair growth booster
This works to help push for faster extra hair growth, (and for all genders) Not for miniaturized follicles, but you can use both to speed results. The approach here is a combination of a few things. Activation of the sonic hedgehog path ways but only the fibroblasts directly around hair follicle. The removal of Dkk1 and stimulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathways. Removal the WISE protein Via induced HAIRLESS protein production. (Which seems to switch the rest to re-growth phase) Then finally Lin28a directly targeted to follicles. This is programmed to directly communicate with the cells and pathways. to produce the intended effect.
Using these ideas, we tackle a new problem here, the main reason why lashes do not just keep getting longer and longer like normal hair is because of its growth cycle.
the hair reaches a certain length then falls off and the cycle begins again.
So what we are doing is using the older hair growth booster as a base and extending the growth cycle and keeping it in a longer growth ‘phase’
Which results on longer lashes.
Use 1 to 2 times until you get your results.
A frivolous offering for who ever wishes to partake.
As usual, you are under no obligation to buy this and you can surely buy commercial products like Latisse and rebuy when needed etc.
I have seen a Dr Obasi’s herbal blend in the regular spam comments as well, and also I am quite sure you will see somebody saying you can get their subliminal or whatever version for cheaper, so please feel free to get that instead.