Live Webinar Chat with Forum - 4/2 @ 2 PM EST

Interested to join, thank you.


Can I still join or should I say that a magician is never late, nor early, but he arrives precisely when he wants to? :upside_down_face:


Thank You, I’ve loved the experience and the atmosphere of today webinar


I always have to salute you guys at the end, can’t help it lol.
It was Great, very relaxed and positive experience.

Many Thanks, Sammy, Captain and Everyone. :pray:

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Appreciate the confidence you have to actually jump into the mic and share your perspective and point of view.


Thank You. It might be a little bit of craziness on my part, but it’s good, it helps me.

What I don’t know is WHEN to talk lol.

For example, lots of written questions and replies still remain, and I’m thinking - should I ask, should I comment, etc.

Edit: Spirituality has brought me Freedom, in the sense that I don’t have to feel awkward about how others are perceiving me, people forget, blunders too/included, and this life is just a drop in the Infinite, so why worry? :sweat_smile:


Yeah, darling. Hakuna matata (insert Pumbaa&Timon).

Be thankful that my pc laptop doesn’t have a microphone because I would have been commenting the conversation (I’m one of those people… yeah, the kind of people who make sarcastic comments while watching tv series and so on).

But you’re all full of adorableness :upside_down_face:

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Another thing…

Samu said he couldn’t stay at the retreat? I don’t understand. He’s not going to be there? [Arriving at the meeting at Gandalf time is not as good as Peter Jackson portrays it to be]. Or if he comes… he stays somewhere else? Because then we would either have to split or do a cloning thing or a Naruto manga-style shadow clone jutsu or whatever the name is.

I assume he will comment on this in the near future :panda_face:

Well, I’ll have to look at my schedule anyway, if it’s at the end of August… But it’s possible that I’ll be able to do some wheeling and dealing… Because I want to eat food made by Cap and tease Sam… But if he won’t go, I’ll cry in a corner and a bug will be created and I’ll be eternally crying.

As soon as you feel you trust me enough, I’ll invite you to come in batches here. Seriously. But you have to be open to it :dragon_face:

to leave more room for others

I missed the webinar. Can someone please share the retreat details.


There are no details other than it is happening either late August or Early Sept 2024. And that it will be several days long (about 4) but people can sign up for 1 or all days. Seats will limited to about 60. There will be 16 spots to be able to stay at the retreat center (or whatever its called) which is nice. Will take place in Glastonbury, UK. It wont be expensive. I think thats about it so far, as far as I recall…


Thanks so much @SilverZuzu ! Sounds exciting.
Did Sam say when the seats go on sale?


No, they are still working out the details of the retreat. (It sounds like they are in the beginning stages to early middle stages.)


Ok, thank you!! :purple_heart:


I’m intrested

I lost the opportunity of attending the webinar. I hope next time one of the ladies will tag me. Thanks in advance.

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Hello, if you click on the red “Announcements” button and then on the bell button on the right, you can choose the option to get notified when something gets posted in this category. Webinars are always announced in this category. Hope that helps

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