Looking for Sword of the righteous NFT

Hi there. Please PM me if you have a sword of the righteous NFT for sale. Thank you.

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There are plenty on venly and most people posted there. You should search there and they aren’t even that expensive. Just chose one based on price. Also there’s a specific thread for buying and selling. You should post there instead

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Thank you for the advice. I tried in venly but I am not familiar with it, so I could not add money. I have paypal and credit card but they want some other currency probably. Thanks anyway.

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Maybe you can move your thread to the Classified section? Forum friends interested in transactions are looking there first.

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you should contact the person who is selling any of these like wellbeing said check the classified section and ask those who are listing for that price to contact you

best of luck! good things to come your way :slight_smile:


I messaged him :sunglasses:

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