Lottery nft

Oh well. Let’s wait for @Mouldytea 'a reply and see what he meant :slight_smile:

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yeah i meant rene haha but happy to see u on board aswell :D

okk lets try get to 50 members and then ill close it, it hink this will be a popular 1


I’d be interested if this gets 50 and will be public. I’ll have extra money in early June. Couldn’t vote.


not tooo sure itll be public but i changed so u can vote again

would be cool if it was public, we’d get 100s of lottery winners on this forum ahahah

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Well, for publicization, will certainly support it. It’ll be fun with many of us trying it out, lol.

Even tho hard to say if it’ll be okayed for that, as not always are stuff that are made for community projects, for like 10 enthusiastic ppl in certain topics, could be made for public. But let’s try and see.


Arcsinus’ Law
Luck of the game. A mathematically calculated “theory of fortune” that allows you to control random fluctuations. This can be used by professional players as well as anyone who decides to try the Game. The Game is not just about trying to control fortune or making money, it is about unwinding the kinetic model, potential energy, world-building with the sensual feeling of participating in the process of Life. This takes into account different aspects of participation in the Game, from the state of the operator to interactions with other players.

As I told you in private, one project already exists.
but you can use this model that we’ve also talked about.
However, you need to understand some things, because even if the captain creates this field - there are nuances that need to be understood, because even the presence of this field, will not contribute to the fact that the win will happen.

This formula for the energy format is quite complex and multi-functional

There is a basic base, there are “chips” for the work of the base in different situations - different games. The base of the field - directly the Law of Arcsinus - is rather not the creation of favorable conditions for this or that type of game, but the law of chance

In fact, the field will have to work in all other spheres of life, not directly related to the game, for example, throwing a chip of the beginning of the day … (in the game the work of the field will be the most obvious and effective).

Here we need to think and understand what a game is in general

One can play in life, and one can live in a game. Indeed, the expressions will be different depending on the type of game, but another division is needed, taking into account individual rhythms and controllability of actions. The mentioned division refers already to additional “chips” of the field.

In terms of points, the Arxinus Law field is most suitable for increasing the luck factor on the existing skill base. Luck is a calculable factor, which includes: one’s own mood, current information parameters, interaction with a partner, interaction with space, game matrix.

Each person has his/her own “area of minimum” and “area of maximum”. That is, in theory the probability of winning when making a random action (for example, betting on the stock exchange) should be 1/2, in reality it is not so. In general, the field should allow you to stay on the “area of maximum”, for some situations and games it will be more related to the confrontation with a partner, in some - to your own mood. It doesn’t matter. But the team factor this field may not take into account, in team interactions the actions of other team members will be the same external conditions, e.g. another player being in his “area of minimum” the field will not be able to influence (if only all team members have this NFT).

if this NFT is done, the recommendation to start is to simply flip a coin and guess the side that fell out, to quickly learn how to get into the right luck condition. The greater the number of players, the greater the energetic power of the game matrix, the more the game controls the players and not the players the game.

According to the matrix most games can be divided into three principles: roulette, cards and competitions. Bookmaker games and lottery according to the matrix belong to roulette, it is the most difficult matrix for a playing person (though much depends on a person’s matrix), and in such games the program of the Law of Arcsinus shows itself brightest of all.

On the conditional scale of difficulty of mastering - the Arcsinus Law is at the top as one of the most difficult ones. There are a lot of reasons for this, due to the complexity and multilevel functionality, I will try to list the main subtleties and aspects.

In NFT format, the Law of Arcsinus can provide some information resource, but cannot do all the work for the user. The presence of points of connection in the user’s energy system with the controlling elements of the field (which directly activate certain elements) depends primarily on the general state of the energy system, it is assumed that the user has done some cleansing work, removal of negative beliefs - “you can’t win all the time”, “I can’t influence the circumstances”, “I am not worthy of winning”, “I am not lucky in life”, etc. Elementary concentration may not be enough to keep the “state of luck” and “state of play”. Therefore, the first recommendation is to try the action, functionality, controllability of the (not yet created) field on simple games with yourself - for example, tossing a coin. It should be easier for professional players

The second point is emotions. They can get in the way when moving from simple games with yourself to games with high stakes. Strong emotions at high stakes clog the brain with low-frequency impulses, forcing it to react to completely external and distracting things at the moment, rather than to the clues of the field. And here it’s important to understand the difference between a state of luck and a state of play. Holding the “state of play” is a subtle state, and here we can recommend combining the Law of Arxinus with field-cleaning, elimination of certain addictions, and meditative programs. Here we will also include the moment of greed as an uncontrollable dependence on certain low-vibrational states

The third moment is holding the state of the game. A real player is not afraid of losing, he is afraid of losing the state of the game. The whole trick is that on the energetic level absolutely identical data is received both when a person wins and loses. “System” react to the psycho-emotional state of the user himself. What data you “feed” to the space, such packages will be activated. Do you react more to winning or losing? You should not be afraid of losing, as it is absolutely normal and inevitable process in the initial process of learning to manage the functionality of all fields related to luck.

Imagine that you were put at the helm of an airliner, but you were not shown how to steer it. At first everyone twists the “steering wheel” as much as possible, a couple of times go off course, but it is in such processes that control skills appear.

The state of the game is unusual, you could say, an altered state of consciousness.
although, for some it is a habitual and easy state, for others it is not. It is necessary to understand that in the work of the Law of Arxinus there is no division into everyday actions and game actions. 24 hours a day a human being is in a certain energetic state of balance (or imbalance) with the result of a huge amount of forces and energies. Even getting up in the morning, we throw away the current day’s chip.

In folk wisdom, this has been summarized as “getting up on the right or wrong foot.” And the feet are tweaked here for a reason too. Just note that the feet in the art of playing are actually wiser than the head and know better where to go and at what moment to go, and in order to hear these subtle impulses, everyday consciousness must be able to turn off. And also that the orientation of body position at the moment of play also matters more (I will talk about this in another project). So the aspect of the state of play is related to another aspect - the ability to resonate with the energies of space.

The fourth aspect is resonance.

This aspect can be described as the interaction of the geometry of the user’s consciousness with the geometry of space. Resonance is a necessary condition for controlling space, it is first of all important in games with the presence of an opponent. The ability to get into resonance is related to the ability to control the brain.

This is a subtle point that not many people realize. The brain acts first of all as a filter of a huge amount of incoming information, which the consciousness would otherwise simply choke on. The brain as an encoding connector can be in a state of controlled tension or a state of uncontrolled stimulation, in other words, it can generate waves of a certain length or simply respond (reflex) to stimuli. The reflexive brain purely physiologically cannot control space, as this requires the transfer of control functions to the thalamus, hypothalamus, and basal ganglia.

To take this analogy, resonance in the surrounding space is like finding a wave on a radio receiver. The presence of brain control in this analogy is the very ability to change (search for) the desired wave. If there is no ability to change, then the very ability to tune is broken, and you will not be able to catch anything sensible.

Think about where different games come from? Why in this or that period of time, this or that culture corresponds to these or those games? Games are not invented, games express this or that resonance with the external space. From the user’s point of view, it is important to choose your game, because every game has its own energy, which is promoted by the whole mass of players. It is necessary to resonate and live together with the game, and not to depend on it, in particular, on its energetic power.

Why do many people become addicted to games? It is not so much an addiction to gambling or to emotion, but rather an energetic addiction to the geometry of the game, which the human brain is unable to generate on its own.

The fifth and sixth point is density and illusions. It is necessary to understand that the work of this law is not a mathematical idealization, it is real ongoing processes. And the result of the work of any field is real changes: in the state, thinking, environment, situation. Since any object, including a human being, is included in a large number of different processes (social, geopolitical, planetary, etc.), which have their own limitations, the global information field simply will not allow those situations in which there would be outputs beyond these limitations.

In many games the energy density is tens of times higher than usual, i.e. habitual to a human being. In other words, some additional factors that are not taken into account and not controlled, and there are many of them, because it would be naive to believe that luck is 100% controllable, can be critical. global information space is a complex multi-level hierarchical system, and some geopolitical or social constraints can be many levels above and beyond. Therefore, it should be understood that the Law of Arcsinus can significantly increase the user’s win rate, but cannot guarantee it 100%.

The “law of arcsinus” can be applied in the professional field in terms of competition
(if there is an appropriate mood and desire to “play” with competitors. In general, competition is a game).

this is a complete analysis of this model, if it fits take it
but in this interpretation pay attention to aspects why winning may not be possible :slightly_smiling_face:


Amazing @Ugninis !


So basically, in a nutshell, we also need to Add Another Main Field in this NFT (with 3 additional subfields) for the Sole purpose of Making Our Energy Bodies Highly Attuned towards Efficient Integration of the Law of Arcsinus ?

Please share your thoughts @Ugninis , @Powren and @Mouldytea .


To be honest, I personally wouldn’t do that. i mean, there are different forms of concepts and projects. There are more global things, and it is better to consider them exactly as they are presented
So in this short description, there is already everything that is needed to maximize the functioning of this NFT, a clear and precise concept, without separate points
I mean, we can add certain points that we think will also be necessary (based on the interpretation I have presented).
but there are enough fields available that will duplicate this, and that are good in themselves, as separate projects or audio, and that also do the preliminary work, to interact effectively with other products (Manhattan fields, subconscious block removal, fields for space, fields for the energy system, ect)

This is my personal opinion.
feel free to add ideas guys :slight_smile:


astrology fields; people underestimate transits and their own natal chart (surely you all have a luck factor).
Make sure you use those trines and sextiles for auspicious timings, ergo winnings.


Good idea imo
And the general luck factor which depends on a lot of things


What about a general algorythm for winning?
Somebody knows how to do that? :joy:


And Jupiter blessings


Magnetically influence the ball in the spinner

But idk how to afterwards convince casino pit bosses it was just plain luck or your charming energy haha

A lot of factors have to coincide in one exact time and place. Astro energy. Luck. Influencing the probability in a way it collapses all other options except you winning in the here and now. Tricky.


:100:in the meantime, feel free to vote
when the opportunity arises, we will register this project as public
I see a sufficient number of people interested, and this is a good holistic concept



In my humble opinion, the biggest problem with this topic in general and functions mentioned above, is the individual own ability to integrate and express these energies. Your own manifestation power so to say.

Therefore, my initial idea was to directly target a specific lottery machine.


Whats the status with this one? Do you guys need more input? @Mouldytea

Maybe we can include this aspect too. It tested extremely good with muscle testing:

Activation of the Interstitium

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There is a similar field already by Sorcery Supreme called Jackpotus Giganticus. I believe that it works using reality collapse “charge” so to speak that you carry in your aura which is then transferred to chosen machine. Read its description.

I’m just saying, never tested that one and never bought it.


I get these things happen in their own time but if there is info on this project please share. I’ll have “extra” money around June 15th and if this one’s destiny is up in the air or it is at the bottom of list then I want to try Aureus Fortuna. I need luck for fall.

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hey, yeah more input could be good. Im not gonna lie i probably wont buy this project when it comes out because I have another nfts for it but I want it to be public so other people can benefit :heart: