Love of Acceptance - Equilibrium

Disclaimer - This field is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party fields are not vetted directly by Captain.

This field is to create the feeling of love, gratitude, abundance and mindfulness within you. It helps you to accept life as it is without any complain and resistance and move forward to make it better instead of being stuck and feeling hopeless. The field guides you with guidance of light to manifest the best possible life for yourself.

It can also help you achieve what you want in life or any specific goal (only of your higher self wants it to happen). It’s a field based on intelligence that works differently depending on who is using it. Also allows you to attract the favor of the universe so that the universe can help you to live a peaceful and abundant life. This also removes the mental pattern, belief, and resistance that prevents you from living in the state of peace, love and abundance and removes all the obstacle from your path that prevents you from being successful in life.

We end up in these situations mostly cuz of our attitude as we refuse to accept the situation we are in and cuz of that most people are stuck at an endless cycle of chasing happiness and it feels like as if you’re chasing a unicorn which doesn’t physically exist on earth or as if being happy is a mythological state of being. The purpose of this field is to help with that. It’s also based on intelligence so it will however however it sees best for you. Also you might feel bit uncomfortable as blockages are being removed.



I suggest you put a disclaimer like this just in cause or wite not a sapien product in description.


Thank you for this Equilibrium.

It says 404 error when you click the link, but the image is still here- is it still
Ok if we save the image?

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Hi, are you talking about the image in the post? It doesn’t have the field in it. But by chance I was just about to re upload this field today and the newer version of it at the same time. I’ll notify you when done.

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I would very much like that. Thank you.

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You’re welcome

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Thank you! I really appreciate it. I realized that acceptance is something Inreally need to work on. :green_heart:

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You’re welcome.

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