Magna Germania Und Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation - - - History Thread - The Many Manly Men of History, War and Civilizations

Hope they don’t go the Dictatorship way, but I think America is not free anymore, heck at least since the 20th Century - they have owners, as George Carlin said - also, Biden is a puppet.

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lol haven’t seen the SPQR banner since latin class


@Rosechalice then you don’t watch the right TV channels or movies :slight_smile:


Obvs lol


Ok, I said a little bit wrong

I meant, the “good” movies and documentary channels not “right”


Well, you can play some strategy games. :grin:

(Paradox Games like Crusader King II, Crusader Kings III, Europa Universalist IV, are some of the hardest and most complex games ever made, and the Roman Fandom is quite present in these games, although not the central theme, since they cover the Early Middle Ages to Napoleonic Era, roughly 760s through an expansion/a DLC if I remember correctly to 1820s,i think 1821 - when you finish a campaign in CKII OR CKIII you can export a savegame/mod to EUIV and Conquer The Rest of The World OR do whatever you want lol)

[you can Restore “The Roman Empire” through a series of conquests/actions - although the Byzantine Empire, (so called by historians, the Greek speaking remnant and continuation of the Ancient Roman Empire) was still surviving, at least till the Turks conquered them, but you can play as the “Byzantines” and either restore the Ancient borders of The Empire or just go whichever direction you want; in these games you can play as any relevant character in Medieval times and as a Nation in the EUIV]

This is me being a fanboy lol

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@DR_MANHATTAN indulge me with one more reply, please.

This IS The Legacy of Rome, Unmatched, Ever!

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Chill and read what I talked about.

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De Facto, but not De Jure - at least there was no need anyway…

Indeed, Napoleon was Unmatched!

He conquered so much, humbled the mightiest empires so many times, they were not even close to this guy…

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I made quick breakdown, most people are not history buffs. Summarized in a single easy to read post


The discussion is quite appropriate for the manly man thread though, seeing as men have robust discussions ultimately seeking Truth…


Didn’t Napoleon loose 500,000 soldiers to the Russians including loosing the war against Russia? :thinking:


He beat Russia over and over before that though with strong numerical disadvantage, forced it into the Continental System after they lost and by the way he started surrounded on every front, by every neighboring country. Ended up in Russia. With the most battles fought by far and a success rate of 92% in war of complete victory or complete loss. All loses at the end with a beaten up army.

The war started before he got in charge, didn’t plan out in the best conditions to attack smaller tribes. He had to lot of risk and fast decisions in urgency, settling quick wins after quick wins in surprising ways to beat the odds. And after that his way became the main way to do war and studied in every military academy.

He was supposed to lose, outnumbered, disorganized after the revolutions (new democratic regime) vs all the monarchies (ancient regimes) who again, the strongest empires in the worlds Russia, Great Britain, Prussia, Italian Kingdom, Austria, Spain… we’re talking heavy leaguers. The best of the best there was in the world’s history ever at that time.

7 Coalitions, 7 alliances of all Europe against the Dude
Imagine 1 vs 1, if it took 7 alliances of all Europe and he won 5 times in a row years apart.

The next general with most battles fought doesn’t even have half of Napoleon’s total count of battle fought, let alone the 92% success rate, let alone as many battles against numerically superior enemies.

Now, what if the other Generals started by being attacked by coalitions of every neighbors during a civil war with no leader, no king, no president and then rose through that.

The others were already kings and planned their conquest years in advance.

Military strategy was already an academic discipline, Clausewitz and the others already wrote. He was consistently surprising his enemies with his strategies. Troops formations, logistical chains. All in rush reaction mode.

While doing that he changed the legal system in a way that was copied by 70 countries and launched many reforms and government structures that are now basic. He changed how countries are managed. He is studied in Law School at least throughout the west.

The Romans and others were laughing at the savages or making them look like beasts to the Senate while they smashed the primitive tribes.

Reading articles it’s not obvious but putting the stories side to side, their age, their self made status, whether they started a war against one enemy after another or were surprised attacked by coalitions and then you put the statistics next to it.
It becomes clear

Plus dude risked his life on the battlefield, going with soldiers on front lines or deliberately encircles by enemies. That’s boldness. Not always sure but there’s been some epic stuff.

Cause if you’re not the boss, you don’t run 2x as many battles as the 2nd general with most battles in history. Your career ends fast.

That little commoner from poverty was slaying kings, every king on the continent wanted to kill him and his fame.
Farmers and beggars from all over the continent who were caught celebrating the fight of a low class dude against the kings of forever were killed or punished.

After every victory many servants from foreign palaces would secretly be happy of seeing a self made guy run against divine hereditary monarchs.

Also lots of the EU is based on his continental system.

Plus, Britain and the others were raking up mountains of loans to keep going. Napoleon was against usury, hated by all the bankers on the continent, every financier was betting against him so he wouldn’t control the continent. Napoleon was open about his dislike of Rothschild like people.


Where were all the manly French dudes in 1940?


That was his fall, he became too proud and he lost.
If he had not done that, his Empire would have lasted, probably anyway.

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What I admire about the Romans is the fact that after a lost or multiple losses, they came back stronger - also, Julius Caesar was a genius, I mean his battles and victories speak for itself, yet it was a different age,…, anyway, I’ll end on this note - Napoleon truly was the best military commander in History [although the Mongols, the Arabs (Khalid ibn al-Walid - beating and conquering huge parts of the Eastern Roman Empire and completely crushing and conquering Persia- two superpowers of that age, although very weak due to their previous wars, Khalid stroke at the right time) and even the Byzantines - (in their Restauratio Imperii/Renovatio Imperii Romanorum project, thanks to the brilliant Belisarius) were Great/had brilliant generals], considering the circumstances, his opponents, his battles as you said.

Anyway, gotta go - I’ll read your replies later (I love this discussion between you and JAAJ).

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Thank you for asking.

Before we go forward, you have to understand something, geography is very important.

The French borders are mostly covered by natural fortifications (ie: mountains). Since the first Frankish king, the French state always sought to control this “natural highway” in the upper east corner, big plains hard to defend. That’s where invasions can come from.

See, after the Napoleonic Wars. France was heavily demilitarized by the coalition to make sure no more aggressions. Most of Europe hates the French, diplomacy is harder.
France started switching back and forth between monarchy, empire, republics.
Anyway, weaker France has usual goes right away into the Crimean war with the Ottomans and British against Russia. Russia loses, but both it and France get weakened.

Bismarck threatened and provoked France (which is good realpolitik, all is fair in war) I won’t go into the Spanish crown succession stories for today. But it was a good plan.
Threatened and weakened France attacked, got beaten at the game by a prepared Germany. A bit more of demilitarization, more repayments and loss of territory/ occupation.

The end of the Franco-Prussian war marks what is known by historians has the end of French domination over continental Europe. It’s a big event in Europe’s history.

Anyway, Germany is unified, they feel its time for their epic destiny and becomes more “assertive”, makes alliances and prepares.

Let’s keep going, WWI, Germans attack using the obvious upper east plains and invade neutral Belgium, cause they have to. That’s the natural highway. The war goes on on French territory for the most part on the west side. Google “gueules cassées” for images.

Germany lost, French gets its territory back. Millions of mutilated people and dead on each sides. The guys who ran this war are gonna play a role in the 2nd world war.

Adolf H is angry and plans his revenge. The League of Nations is started by the USA, people believe that it was the last war.

French children who grew up in WWI are like “F it, let’s ball, go on holidays. No more army.”
Germans want revenge.

I’m gonna skip the whole United States forcibly sterilizing un-consenting citizens and planning to genocide the inferior races through Eugenics to create a master race which made the Germans think, “we need to purify ourselves too” and a long partnership kept growing with labs and research about the master race between the two.

I’m going simple

At that time, the French starts to build THE wall in that upper east plain to prevent future wars with Germany.

The Belgium refuse to barricade itself with France after a long history of war.
So the wall is never finished.

But for now, 1923, Germany is not paying the paper, so France invades the Ruhr and is gonna make those germans work and working good.

But everyone was bashing France as punitive, cruel and the US got into it and tried the Dawes Plan. France agrees to leave.

Anyway, they kinda make peace, France and the others let Germany join the League of Nations.

Anyway, 1929 crash, everybody is hurt, Adolf gets in power and wants to manifest that German destiny and he doesn’t want Germany to be just an economic power.

Some French generals (including De Gaulle) are making a public fuss because Germany is re-arming and they need more budget and they need to stop the Germans before there is a war.
Anyway, the US is investing but-loads of cash into Nazi Germany and working on that master race projects, giving them technology, so attacking would be kinda awkward. Plus, the new French socialist governments didn’t want money for war, they wanted to gift freebies.

39, Germany invades Poland in the East, France is an ally and has to rush in. The Saars offensive begins, they invade Germany by the West. Going through the first land mines, the old guys in charge were the same guy in charge for WWI, they get deja vu and they don’t want to risk the life of the soldiers. Anyway, it’s not the best time of the year and they didn’t get the equipment to go through the Sigfired line (I don’t speak german at all). Plus, a little bit more time and the UK would show up to manoeuvre.

Anyway, Polands folds, France didn’t cross the country, the Germans are relieved and turn around for the West offensive. French retreated, waiting for the British to come lift their share of the alliance at the hole in the Maginot line in Belgium. It’s gonna be in those plains. They can’t go through the Ardennes forest, but the meth (literally Pervitin) loaded German soldier are working twice has hard and sleeping twice less than expected. A small unit goes through the Ardennes, the French and British run toward the Ardennes and leave Belgium. Now, the main German Army crosses through Belgium as expected and launch a pincer manoever. The Brits run away, the French covers for them, once the Brits left they give up since they are encircled, with no food or water.

The leftist French government runs away and sends someone to pick up the 90+yo Marshall Petain, biggest war hero alive in France at the time and send him sign the peace treaty with Hitler on behalf of the French government.

Many died in the resistance, many went to the UK to keep going. Of course, UK had a bigger plan of involving the US and waiting long enough to be saved.
Meanwhile the UK attacked French military bases and killed thousands of French soldiers around the world as a prophylactic measure to make sure that in worst case scenario it would not help the Germans. That didn’t help any resistance either.

One bad page in my people’s history, fine. @omega68 Are you better and have your people been better ?
Most countries can’t say so.

So much double standards, I just say if my people are effeminate fags because they lost a war fast (btw, Germany capitulated to France in previous war faster than France did in wwii) does that mean I can and should make fun at all the ethnics groups my people put in human zoos a couple years before ?

See, now it’s not funny (death and suffering rarely is)


Were are all the manly American dudes in 2023? Make America manly again! We suck! learn from history.

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i dont interfere.

very very good way to write about all of this. I had pleasure reading it. very interesting stuff.

of course in WW II were lots of other countries involved.

i have tried to touch old TV documentaries on this subject energetically.

my own opinion from now. idk what was wrong then. why this rush. what did they all wanted.

why all the aggression?

i really dont understand it and i really see one side victims, other side programmed agressors.

like all were brainless maschines and animals. interesting what was cooking then.

i really dont connect to any of it. idk.


The problem is that that’s human nature in war and in tough times, and we are living in tough times again.