Magnets and Sapien Medicine fields

So I’m wondering if placing field/items near magnets would affect them in a way? I remember mentions of these magnetic capsules but I’m not familiar with them and don’t see them being mentioned in recent discussions. I was just wondering if placing/wearing an item near a magnet would amplify or damage the field? (I know it’s been said that ‘very few things’ would damage the fields) but since they are pricy items I would still like to be make sure.

Also, how about wearing magnets and audio fields? Is the magnet going to create some sort of shield that prevent the audio fields from entering your ‘system’ somehow? thanks!


I’ve been testing this for you, for the last 2 days (I have a strange attraction - lol - for magnets since my childhood and even some eccentric ideas from time to time. Uial and _OM know a little about one of the ideas in question…).

Anyway no, I haven’t noticed any abnormalities but since I’m an unorthodox weirdo, it’s better to “redirect” you to other sources. You probably know this article already:

This discussion could help as well (which is also based on the article posted above):

Discussion _OM & Rraajjuu


No I asked them about it. You can wear as many of these capsules as you want and it won’t affect the fields negatively.