Mahadevi, The Supreme Goddess

It happens haha


I want to thank everyone who was involved in this project. Thank you @GoddessAndGodOfAll and thank you Captain! This field turned out to be really the best.
Unfortunately, I cannot fully describe my admiration in the text, express all of my emotions, but I can tell a little about my experience.
It was quite difficult for me to work with the energies of the Goddess, before that I mainly worked with Shiva and I did not have a strong connection with any of her aspects.
The day I got this NFT I cried a lot. It was a whole kaleidoscope of emotions, I was happy, I cried, I was delighted and I was sad. The connection with the Goddess finally began to strengthen. I felt the strong, loving presence of one of the aspects. I’m still thankful for that, even though it’s been quite a while since I have gotten this NFT. There were several turning points in my path, and I can call receiving this NFT one of the most significant moments in my spiritual life. The Goddess is really the best teacher and the best friend. So much has happened, so many interesting things and so many insights have happened that I could talk about it for several hours nonstop.
This post became a motivation for me to work more with the Goddess and her aspects. Perhaps I will be able to share my experience in the future, but so far I have nothing more to say, except that this is truly the best NFT that I have had.


Beautiful experience, thanks for sharing :pray:


Any info on the winner of the drawing?



Hello every one!

I know many of you where eagerly anticipating the results of this poll, however, The Goddesses NFT has been purchased and will be given to the original group member once he comes online


My posts are not high-quality in terms of presentation but I am sincere in them. So sorry in advance if they appear a little bit weird

“When the Goddess enters your life, your life and you are filling with Love, Light and Happiness.”
Many things on my Path has changed significantly over these months. Yes, a lot of difficulties, yes, a lot of problems. But when the Goddess guides you, any problem becomes nothing.
My attitude towards many things and people have changed significantly. I began to see the Divine in everyone, and in myself.
The Goddess showed me Truth about many things, my views on life changed after the Goddess appeared in my life.
I am grateful to Mahadevi for everything. I am grateful for the lessons and knowledge I have received. It’s priceless.

To be updated


:pray: :heart:

We’ll be looking forward to it my bro :)


Lalita Tripurasundari the Primordial Divine Feminine is Said to Reside in the CENTRE or BINDU of the SRI CHAKRA and is said to Emerge from the Navel Lotus of PARAM SHIVA or the Primordial Divine Masculine.

The description of Mahadevi has many overlaps with Nyx. Very interesting.
However, they appear in completely different shapes and feel quite different for me, (except for their serenity).

Sekhmet feels for me also completely different that the feeling I get when looking at Mahadevi. Maoshan, why do you believe they are the manifestation of the same Goddess?

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Mahadevi is the Supreme Goddess, Mother of all the Mothers, Mother of the Universe, Great Empress of the Universe… She has a lot of names but She is the Only One
Nyx is the Goddess of the Night, one of the most important Goddesses in Greek mythology

To the Greeks Mahadevi appeared as Athena, Gaia and many others. But all of Them are forms of The Only One

Nyx, Kali, Sekhmet, Aphrodite and all the other Goddesses are the forms of Mahadevi, of course They differ.
No Goddess will be the same, they all are different, and all are manifestations of the Only One - Mahadevi

Different aspects of the Goddess have differences, I think it’s clear
They represent different qualities or functions. Nyx is the Goddess of the Night, Aphrodite is the Goddess of Beauty, etc.

I am not @Maoshan_Wanderer , but well
With human consciousness we have personalized all these Goddesses, but in fact they are the aspects of the One, The Primordial Goddess and it’s Mahadevi


With regards to your definition:

If she appears to everyone differently and can take all the shapes and covers the whole universe etc. then in this case “Mahadevi” is simply an Indian word for “Source”. Or what the Roman Catholic church calls “God”.
…which means me and everyone else is also a manifestation of her.
…Which means I can just talk to my Higher Self as it is the connection to the Source.

But then again:

Dream explained that Mahadevi has a personality and appears as a Goddess with a certain shape and color, which means either the Source Goddess has chosen this particular style to appear to humans in India, or she is a separate “local” Being.


It’s the word on the Sacred Language Sanskrit

Yes, you can say that

Oh yes, that’s true. But how much are you actually the “Source”, or how much are you the “God”? How much is that expressed in you?

What I would like to say may go against your beliefs, so I better not say anything. But feel free to try

It’s the way he explained the looks on Mandala. By Herself She is a Pure Consciousness

I will delete my posts soon, not to spam in thread


Leave it please :pray:


She is The Ultimate Goddess of all.

Simple simple

The most effably and ineffably supreme, highest of all

Beyond ever comprehension

These above 4 lines can be used as a description

Wouldn’t be wrong and couldn’t,

She is higher than any goddess

She is mother creator of all, but not all goddesses are her… Though we reside within all

With our love, all is created, though not all are direct children (all humans, trees, birds, aliens etc)… Some are created differently however, they are friends and otherwise

Deities… Solar systems and galaxies… Certain divine beings… Etc… Are friends and mostly our children as well

“Women and Mankind” are our children


I don’t get this part.
Can you please explain it (if you want)?

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Norse God Óðinn is a mighty friend of ours

But not our son, not related in family terms

But in friend terms


She is not Them nor Hera :)

That’s all for now …

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Will edit

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