Making the dragon golem servitor using a screen

I got the dragon golem servitor from Gumroad but since my region is locked down due to COVID, I can’t get a print out of the sigil image and then charge an object over it. My question is can I open the sigil image on my laptop screen for an hour and place the object(bracelet, coin) over it to get it come up? Will this work?
If not, are there any other ways I can get it around?
@SammyG or @Captain_Nemo could you help?

Thanks a lot, folks.

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It will work if you use your laptop or even your mobile screen.
This has been confirmed previously by Dreamweaver.
Just make sure your screen stays on for the duration of the process.


Okay, thanks. Can you tell whether I have to stay around my phone screen for the entire hour pr I can go around doing household chores?

Also, can you please tell whether I just come in after an hour, put the object on/wear it and then welcome and talk to the Golem, or is there anything else you’ll suggest?
Can I manifest it in any specific form(Tiny cute dragon, or a succubus, or a guiding horse kinda) or has it got a specific physical form which I should bring in my mind while trying to communicate with him/her(main thing being whether I can manifest it as a female other being or just a male dragon)?

Anyone. Please. I’d love to have your help. Thanks a lot. :smile::peace_symbol:

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You’re welcome. You don’t need to stay around your screen, you can do other things.
There is more information in the post below, including establishing communication and further information about servitors:


@Sam_S can you share your experiences with it? Thanks.

As a note, you do not have to leave the screen on if you first mentally make the connection and bring the energy up from the screen into the item. Consider the item then entangled in a pseudo-quantum sense with the image.

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Can you share your experiences with it? Thanks a lot.

The dragon golem has a fixed appearance I think. If you want to have servitors with the appearance that you want, you can create light or dark servitor from energetic addendum est that on sapien’s patreon. But you need to join the patreon first before you can download it .


I’m a patron.Do you have a link? There is no search function and i get tired of scrolling! @jobzzet

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Here is the link:

There is a search feature on Patreon on the Posts tab. :slightly_smiling_face:


Great thanks! But i meant the energetic addendum thing.What is it/ What are dak/light servitors/ HOW dark? Creepyhollows light-dark or Goetia dark-dark?

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My apologies, here is the link:


Fabulous!! Dont think i’ll need dark-dark for anything but “teach a lesson” dark seems about right.

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Wow. I see the dark servitor can summon and control Goetia demons. Cool asf! I could use all the Gallery of Magick books i have.Plus other light/dark stuff. Hopefully get REAL results for a change!

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Might I ask what are goetia demons and how to get started with them. I do already have a dark servitor.

Also, I created another dark servitor but in another way. I took a pair of earrings and put them on top of the picture of the type of characteristics that I wanted my servitor to have. And drew/traced the sigil with my finger on top of the earrings. Does it work like that? This is the Goetia Grimoire.


That is a forum that has a lot of people working with goetia demons/spirits.

