Malar bags cure

Someone pls suggest some audios which can help in curing malar bags :pray::pray::pray:

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Does the YouTube version of plasma bath effective?
I can’t subscribe to his patreon right now

There are not the same, Plasma Platelet bath is only available on Patreon, but i think the person is talking about the face lift with muscle toning the one that helped with Malar bags and that one is on YouTube, as for how effective is for your issue, well you are reading someone saying it does, youtube one is free so just try and see? You dont need many ppl saying yes it works, just take a leap of faith and try it, you wont lose and if it doesnt work at least youll end up with a nice jaw line :sunglasses:

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Its free to listen on youtube:


Oh yesss its true haha

Thanks zuzu!!