Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

i just bought the solar plexus one - feels warm and confident from initial play

Anyone tried it thus far?


Is (zn+1 = zn2 + c) the original then or was there something added to it to make the shape?

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Mandelbrot (ā€œalmond breadā€ if you want to translate it) got me confused for a second. my german brain just went ??? :sweat_smile: :rofl:

but cool that we now have an updated chakra field thanks dream

wont get this one in the near future but gonna read all the testomonies ^^


The equation the mathematician suggested was f(z)=z^2+c which he wrote to a fellow mathematician to try and let him know the results but this other guy never followed up. After the main guyā€™s death Mandelbrot at IBM when working on signals realized or at least he claimed that he was seeing some patterns in his oscilloscope kind of instrument. He deduced the equation from the data while the mathematicianā€™s equation was proved by nature.

He refused to share the credit saying it was his own effort and he didnā€™t hear about that equation before. All of this is from my memory of a documentary about mathematicians who died at a very young age whose contributions are not known to the world much which I had seen a decade or so back.



yeah its strong, very strong lol
felt the effects very quickly. I am looking to buy root chakra after this :smiley:


Does the format (mp3, wav etc.) effects the field differently?

I bought the root and Sacral audios first. Noticeable results after first listening. My body feels stronger and more centered.


Energetic Vampires CONFIRMED :upside_down_face:

1056 pages? - Me, who gets bored after 1 page. :roll_eyes::page_facing_up:

Maybe, someday Iā€™ll read it, who knows.
Wait, perhaps there is an audiobook (although I would need google translate anyway, so Iā€™ll still need the text).

Kind of offtopic. :grimacing:


No. The different formats are simply for the audiophiles among us. (Different file formats have different fidelity.)


I have some books from Cindy Dale about subtle energy.
In those books she mentions about chakras too
Sheā€™s good.


These are very powerful!

The music sounds very similar to Mind & Intellect Tapasya.

Wow! I couldnā€™t live without music. So good for the soul when it is positive.


Wow, I donā€™t know if people have mentioned this, but you can listen to a short sample of 30 seconds from these fields so you know what they sound like and whether you like them or not. Really cool feature! :heart_eyes:


Point of no Return 2.0 haha. This seems very complementary with Point of no Return.


how important is the chakra system in day to day life.

Is that a stupid question?

Most day to day people dont even know what a chakra system


have you seen this?


will check it out, now. thank you for the reminder


Iā€™m sure Maoshan can get into more of the specifics, but my personal opinion- the farther along you get on your spiritual path, the less relevant the chakras become. Especially when you start working with the higher bodies and the creation of the Rainbow Body. The chakra system of your multi-dimensional nature become more of a unified field. However, these new fields are next level and I believe everyone on any level of the path or no spiritual path at all can benefit from them.

As far as the everyday person who doesnā€™t know what the chakra system is, I think many of the chronic physical and mental health problems we see in people have some relation to lack of working with the chakra system. Look at the role each of them play in our biology, psychology, and spirituality then extend the logic to what can happen due to lack of keep them clear, healthy, spinning, etc. The mind, emotions, spirit, energy body, and physical body are all interconnected and therefore all these factors determine our overall health.


I would say what is more important is to do some sort of time-tested spiritual practice. Be it meditation, pranayama, yoga, Qigong, mindfulness, or other contemplative practices including prayer. Each of these approaches the human energy system in a specific way - some as Chakras, some as Dantiens and Meridians, some as energy holds and locks, etc.

Does not matter which as long as you are regular and sincere in your efforts!

Not many people are aware or interested in anything beyond the material world. And that is okā€¦it is possible to live a fulfilling life that way too (on their own terms)ā€¦To each their own!




Whilst youā€™re waiting for Sammyā€™s reply, Iā€™ll just suggest, since a lot of our (experienced!) friends are remarking above how strong these fields are, that you go slow (like a play or two), see what your experience is with them and build from there.


Iā€™d say for normal folks, the functions they are associated with is what matters. Chakras are associated with different areas of life, and they can be balanced or not.

So thatā€™s how it affects normal folks.

You cultivate kindness, compassion, and forgive others, and your heart chakra will be fine.

You become more authentic, and your throat chakra will be fine.

On and on.

Any yoga system would take care of them without mentioning them at all.

Same with all religions.

Just take care of those areas of life and youā€™re fine.

They are also connected to the endocrine system so yknowā€¦just be healthy endocrine-wise.

Here is an interesting article.

Iā€™d say this is some chakra stuff, without being chakra stuff.