Manhattan's Mathematical Madness

I realized I got this field when I have economics, accounting ll and another math class coming up. Glad it came out when it did.


Dream and Philip pretty much said, “Farewell ADHD, Brain Growth work, and Enhanced Hemispheric Connectivity fields, you can rest.”

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some of my posts contains numbers so it kind fit the context lol

i have one question does MMM fit a programmer profile??

i know programming basics are mathematical but not all programming languages are based on learning mathematics

or ABP will do?


Math is not the only elements but it’s crucial, keep in mind that it’s not about numbers, it’s about deeper concepts of our physical reality.



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I don’t know how many hours it would take to even get anywhere near the description’s results. But what I do know is this is the 100%, without a doubt, most frying brain field LMAOOOO. I took a break from it but I shouldn’t have tbh. I needed the frontal lobe gains. My prefrontal cortex is lacking and it needs to double up.




Look at MMM man… So inspirational. I need another 5 hours of this today.

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What’s your current brainiac stack? I read some of your reviews concerning this field, and they seem very interesting yet without some depth, when It comes down to the progress. For that matter, I‘d like to ask you about your acquired skills, and cognitive affinity in relation to this particular field, bro? Before I forget it, have a great day! :100::muscle:

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I don’t have an actual stack, I just play my brain fields intuitively. But for this field, I gave some results about reading comprehension, focus, and speech production improvement. For math in particular, I haven’t been doing a lot of math in order to test it, but I noticed that when I do calculations like subtraction, it feels like I’m ripping a piece of paper in half and staring at the answer. Rather than trying to “calculate” I just see the numbers split. If I see 53-27 it feels like I can skip the mental math. I haven’t looped it enough to actually say though, to be honest. I’ve been focusing on other fields.

I mostly used this for frontal lobe and corpus callosum growth, which is indeed being fried.


That already sounds pretty good though. You on that “Manhattan fried brain” stuff, as long as you keep improving your cognitive abilities It’s well worth it, that’s for sure! Since mathematical affinity is highly linked to “critical” and “logical” thinking, has their been any addition in regards to to problem solving, and general abstract thinking?


Hard to answer the last question due to the fact I’ve been using Manhattan Method even more than this field. Which helps with both of those. I have better problem-solving skills for sure, nothing really seems “far-fetched” unless I’ve legit never seen the concept or anything similar to it. I feel like I continue to get better and better slowly each day. I answer all the questions in my psychology class. I’ve become the “class nerd” lol. I think this field increased my working memory indirectly with the prefrontal cortex which automatically helped with problem solving skills. Not sure how much the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is increased in size and connectivity (May have to ask Dr. Manhattan about that.) but if it is meticulously catered to, we can be sure that analytical skill improvement will be represented quickly.


u should do a brain scan, before and after?

Funny, because I thought about doing this. Just imagine.

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Let’s pass that question to the @DR_MANHATTAN, what is your take on it, does this field increase indirectly “logical”, “problem solving” skills, not only in a mathematical context?

From the description, yes it does. If you look at the description of brain growth work it does.

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Just waiting for the doctor final approval. I concluded the same just going off the description of the field.

I just wanted to say, bro, thank you very much. You’ve done something very special with this field. Dream made it wire so fast and you can see noticeable improvements in your intelligence very quickly (along with hella brain frying to accompany it lol). I went from a horrible state of focus to realizing how normal people organize and stay focused, to then surpassing that average state, and realizing what it’s like to have complete executive function control. I still have the habits that I need to break and habits that I need to build, but I am experiencing great benefits from this field.

This field is opening up my other brain fields. Because it’s allowing me to process information better, and maintain focus on the newfound information. It’s hard to see the beauty of a field like the Manhattan method if your brain can’t process well enough and focus on those newly found intuitive thinking patterns. But my working memory is up like 3x as much, something that I couldn’t really test because I didn’t have the prefrontal cortex growth enough to allow me to focus. Again, thank you for accepting the request for brain growth work bro. @DR_MANHATTAN


Yes, of course

Some of the circuits we build here pass through the left hemisphere, yes


