Manifestation Dogtags?

Which of Dream’s dogtags are the best for manifestation and have the best ability to be programmed further, in order to amplify what is there?

I do have a Lama Tsongkhapa talisman that is pretty good, but it might be good to add another flavor of energy.

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Id say Hand of Glory


The teespring site says the price is $NaN (Not a Number).

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Everything has moved to The Sapien Shop



Here is the direct link

You cant.

If that was the case, people with bad intents could just program the images on the website and instagram and fk shit up.

Only Dream’s evil twin can do that, but hes stuck in another universe luckily.

And for manifestation, if he releases the IPF tag again, thats the one.

For now, I would say the Sirian infusion tag could teach you more than you can handle.

Thank you.

The Sirian one feels stronger than the Reach for the Stars one. And it costs a lot less.

I may look at the Sirian one in a couple of months. I have a Sirian connection. I actually connected with it when co-creating the servitor for my Repeater.

This one, right?:

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Yeah that one.

Even better that you have the connection, the beings will teach you more openly then.

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The Sirians gave me a 417 portal, and when I used it, my whole life just shifted for the better. Like I have Nirvana and met my partner and such. So it’s pretty neat.


Thats nothing.

They can teach you alot more, if you get them to talk.

If you have vibration of transcendence, play it before connecting.

Aliens tend to sometimes act a bit “im more advanced than you”,

Although true, you can connect with the all and remind them they aint shit either in the grand scheme.

Its like calling your parents when an older sibling thinks theyre the shit.


Well they approached me. Gave me a dream of their star Sirius and they offered me the portal, so I guess they’re open to talk.

Good luck.

Do you know if the Sirians are 6th density like Ra?

I dont know much about these “labels” bro, sorry.

If someone asked me to write a book about my spiritual journey, I wouldnt make it past page 3.

I just used the infusion a few times, and simply “get it”. Even now, I can tap into it again.

IPF field I guess?

So no idea what density they are etc, thats some _OM level stuff,

But theres more chance of jesus returning than OM telling you specific things, so…:stuck_out_tongue:


I keep seeing IPF, but what is it?

The increased psychic functioning field.

It was available as a tag, its available now on gumroad as audio (much weaker than the tag).

I have a custom thats a few years old (used it alot back then, stopped for a while and using it again now)

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The Sirian one is amazing just looking at it. Very strong on my heart. It feels like 4th density actually (the 4th chakra). But could be 6D which is very balanced in love and wisdom and is the density of Unity.


You can play the infusion on Dream seeds channel (dreams other channel).

Its a literal trip there, so you can see whats up, then decide if you want the tag or not.


Where is the Orion one? :cold_face:

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